this is working at the moment!
OpenOffice.org organisers have blamed “unprecedented demand” for their site going offline as it delivered the long-awaited update of their open source office apps suite. Organisers apologised on Monday for the massive outage saying their technical teams are “trying to come up with a resolution” while the main site's remnants …
Well that explains why I can't connect. I'll have to check out ver 3.0 some time over the next few days. I was actually trying to access the site to report a bug in ver 2.4. For those wondering, it's a bug in the find/replace using regular expressions. It seems that "Find all" works properly, but "Replace all" does a recursive replace when you leave the replacement string blank (it seems to work properly if you enter a replacement string).
If you have a line "aaaaaaaaa" ("a"x9), and you enter the regular expression "^a{4}" to search for and leave "replace with" blank, then find all will correctly find and highlight the first four "a" characters; but if you do a replace all, it will replace the first four, then check and replace again, then check again, leaving you with just a single "a". If you have multiple lines, and you use the replace button instead of replace all, you can see it runs recursively for each line before going to the next line. If you enter any replacement string (even one such as "aaaa", replacing the text with an exact copy of itself), it will correctly replace it only once.
"Only Intel MacOSX support. (...)"
It seems that yhey're hiding the PPC version...
Go here:
and scroll down to:
or, I assume, this one:
...if you're on that side of the pond.
Thus far, in the little that I've used it, it seems to run quite snappily on my machine and does what I want it to do,
Noodles ? Pot noodles ? Yummy ! Does this mean that pot noodle supports OOO ?
Now they're both great for being lightweight :-
OOO for leaving your wallet intact, and doing everything you want properly. Image captioning in word for example is idiotic ! In OOO it's a doddle. Do an X-Y plot in excel where the x-axis data is not sorted - it will fail, while OOO tells you what the problem is.
pot noodle, being dehydrated, and contained in it's own tub is great for camping/hiking/cycling trips where you don't want to be lugging loads of weight round but still want a hot meal. As long as you can recycle the plastic tub.
Nice to see a healthy demand for this excellent software !!!!
Well, I don't know if I'd consider it a bug. OO 2.3 does the same thing. And so would Perl do with:
$test = 'aaaaaaaaa';
while ($test =~ s/^a{4}//) { 1 }
print $test;
Which would just print "a". So the "problem" is that the "Replace all" doesn't work line by line, but looks at the text as a stream.
Of course if this is not what you expect then you might call it a bug. But having a free form text editor work line-by-line could be tricky, seeing that e.g. page margins makes line lengths change. :-)
re m$ orifice : it doesn't work properly, is overpriced, overfeatured, and a complete waste of money, be your copy legit, pirate, or currently serving as a drinks coaster. I've already highlighted 2 common situations with m$ orifice where the behaviour is crazy. These are normal/common use activities that don't work properly ! Properly tested ? Hmmmmm I think not. Most real office users don't need m$ orifice, and shouldn't have it. The only time you might is that special add-in for a particular business need that is only available for excel.
Now OOO may not be perfect, but it does what I want, very well, and doesn't rip me off !! It *WILL* have been tested. And it is totally open, instead of trying to lock me in at every turn.
Long live OOO !
Version 2.? crashed on my abuse tests -- Microsoft tests for and corrects stack corruption after calls to external objects, the version of Open Office I tested just crashed. Worse problem was that several versions of Calc couldn't save macro's at all in the default configuration - everything was lost when you closed the spreadsheet.
It will be interesting to see if that has been improved.
Hurray, now I can at least fix all those dead XML files that MS Office creates.
I have noticed that OOo is always able to open files and at least partially rescue the content of them where MS Office (which corrupted the files in the first place) simply would give up or crash.
I prefer OO, just because of that - and because it doesn't run VBA..
"Do an X-Y plot in excel where the x-axis data is not sorted - it will fail, while OOO tells you what the problem is"
In what version of Excel does that fail? In all versions of Excel I've used it plots the data as it comes which is what you've told it to do. Not as if sorting data in Excel is hard either.
Aside: Is "openista" comparable to "fashionista"
Perhaps if they had posted some torrents of the files, they wouldn't have fally over servers. I'm pretty sure they used to encourage you to download via Torrent before, but this time around they seem to offer only HTTP and FTP links.
Even now - with their super small emergency homepage - they are pushing you to HTTP/FTP.
"It doesn't this or that, not good enough!"
OK, fair enough. These guys bang something out for nothing, they have to fight tooth and nail to get any specs to write the code to make it work with the worst standards ever invented by Evil M$ and all you can do is whinge. Jeez your lucky it even loads an Office 95 docs, let alone some of the latest abominations that MS push on everyone.
If you don't like Marmite, you don't eat it, right? I don't see many people standing in the aisles of the local ASDA shouting the odds about how much they hate sprouts or chickpeas.
OpenOffice.org power presentation (word processing) connection server status, downloading for fun is always, and often not, to used as a measure of open source conclusion.
The very fact there is some downloading activity, and that is is open source, suggest that the uptake of the waterfall model of development, using a close set of contributors is in some minds, better for accurate results, and superior for inaccurate results.
When compared to more proprietory (non gpld) public closed code bases, these development factories could benefit from use of some more open-source concepts such as code-re-use, licensing, development mentoring and artist procurement.
The days of the bedroom coder and dead, but far from over.
"If you don't like Marmite, you don't eat it, right? I don't see many people standing in the aisles of the local ASDA shouting the odds about how much they hate sprouts or chickpeas."
Don't know why I bother, but you *do* realise that's all you Linux/Firefox/OpenOffice/PS3/Xbox gimps do, don't you? Lackwit.
Oh, and with regard to "... your lucky ..." and "... loads an Office 95 docs ..." you obviously shouldn't be commenting on anything used to produce documents. Either get some English lessons or take some time to check what you're writing. Or, ideally, could you and your ilk stop wasting time and bandwidth with your inane glee about things just because they're not MS? Please? Believe me, you're not earning any respect outside your own circle.