Dear Register,
You got me all excited that we'd be getting "fast fibre" rather than plain old slow 100mbit fibre. Turns out that fast fibre doesn't even meet my expectations for plain old slow fibre.
The residents of Muswell Hill in London and Whitchurch in South Glamorgan will be among the first in the UK to be offered faster broadband via a fibre optic upgrade to the aged national telecoms network. BT Openreach announced today that it will roll out fibre to street-side cabinets covering 15,000 premises in both areas, to …
In the same way that 20Mbit in the exchange equates to under 2Mbit at my house, "due to the mix and match of cables from the cabinet to my house" (thats what BT said anyways).... does that mean that we can still have the fun of being told a HEADLINE speed of 40 Mbit that is nowhere near, yet we can still pay for the high speed.
BT are a waste of space.
That's great news, me being from Scotland and having the slowest available connection on offer to man. How about instead of spending our money on upgrading already fast lines, they upgrade my nasty telephone exchange so that we in the more rural areas can join the rest of the UK and benefit from the wonders of faster connections.
RE: Virgin Media's 50MBit Upgrade Next Month
Will Virgin be amending their draconian bandwidth throttling - or traffic management as they prefer to refer to it as - in light of their intended upgrade to 50MBit? I recently noticed that their bandwidth throttling scheme is now enforced from 10:00am now, as opposed to during the "peak time" of 4:00pm - 9:00pm... so that's 11 hours a day, every day of the week, where I'm subjected to the "mother of all bandwidth throttling" (as Samuel L. Jackson keeps on reminding me). Hardly just peak time any more, is it, Mr Branson?
Currently I'm on their 20MBit package, and find that it is incredibly easy to trigger their throttling - it takes approx 30 mins of donwloads for it to kick in. If I upgrade my speed by a factor of 2½, then I'll be hitting their threshold even quicker... in fact I'll end up capped more than I'm not capped.
Yup, rural like "Aberdeen". 200,000 mostly oil-jobbed / studenty people (i.e. not too hit by the credit crunch so we've still got some disposable income to drop on decent Broadband). We used to have a cable network but they inexplicably died about the time Aberdeen got big.
And I'm stuck with a max "theoretical" top speed of 3Mbit (from a supposedly 16meg exchange). What it's like in the actual sticks I don't know. And don't want to think of, or I'll get depressed for them...
BT! Listen up! Scotland is a good investment- plenty customers (though not too many) and a whole new parliament to corrupt/mislead! If you can handle some of the terrain and prise the Scot's wallets open you can handle anything- so it's a really good test of range/durability of your new tech.
Take it to Wick, the homeplace of the Fax machine and a good northern point. It'd mean you'd have the fibre backbone running right up the UK, making expanding the network later a lot easier and pass through Edinburgh, birthplace of the inventor of the Telephone.
@Previous poster
100Megabit isn't fast enough for you? Okay, so 1Gig would be nice and 10Gig (actual, not just "up to") non-fup'ed unlimited-a-month at an affordable price would convince me to bend over, lube up and take a Phorming. But a 100Megabit line (with decent upload and well spelt out restrictions) would probably do me just fine.
The trouble isn't that they won't make money from rural areas; They'll make more than enough to cover the cost. Hell, they could aggregate it between the rural and urban areas and spread the cost.
The problem is that they won't make AS MUCH money if they roll out broadband to rural areas.
I work at a secondary school with 10Mb symmetrical, which is shared from the local council with two primary schools. This place is on THE VERY EDGE of the Authority border, but still has a decent urban sprall. Go 5 minutes up the road to another school, further IN to the Authority area, and they barely get dial-up. It's old copper all the way, despite only being a couple of miles from a DEDICATED fibre connection.
It's not just BT who are money-grabbing tits.
Whitchurch is a well-heeled middle-class suburb of Cardiff. It really is quite tiring to see any story which references Wales automatically triggering comments about sheep...
Meanwhile for the rest of us without Whitchurch and London have to struggle on using ADSL (of varying speed) or even Ye Olde Dyall-uppe.
I thought, well, why not save 70 mins on the train, be good to the environment and cease the commute and move to Muswell Hill - where the Post Office R&D centre used to be before they relocated to Martlesham Heath in Suffolk (where BT's R&D facility still is).
Muswell Hill - 3 bedroom terraced house - £865,000 !!!
I know you don't believe it - take a look :
I reckon it'll be Fibre to the Home - 100 Mbit/s for only £100 a month. The folks living there can afford it !
and I am looking at you marmite toast and Jeremy..
why do you have to be so negitive?
FTC is going to increase speeds, it will make speeds more constant from customer to customer, speed will only be limited by the length of the line from the cabinet to your home and as the cabinets will typically be less than 200 meters from your home speeds should be close to what is available at the cabinet !!
You backward limies make me laff. "Fast" you call it. I have had 100Mbps in my house in Japan for about 5 yrs now. So has everyone else I know. And it costs me less than my mum pays for 512k ntl "broadband".
But I know why Britain is no longer Great. Its because of generations of eating detergent caused by failure to rinse the dishes.
Luckily, I won't be moving to UK anytime soon. I've had 50Mbps (symmetric) fibre for almost a year here in Slovenia (and the ISP offers up to 1Gbps, but that one's a bit pricey for home connection).
(oh, and this isn't "up to" 50Mbps, I never have problems saturating my line assuming the server on the other side has big enough pipe - or I download 2 or 3 files at once).