a long time coming..
Well that wasn't a surprise. I've been waiting for an announcement like that for 2 years now. We were with ML for a good few years but switched to Blackspider (now Websense Hosted Mail) 3 years back.
At the time we switched, the ML product worked well but Blackspider had a better web management console for fine tuning your settings. When we switched, ML did not have a management console worth looking at. In all our meetings with ML, the only thing they could say was an improved management console was on it's way.
Our personal opinion in 2005 was that ML were trying to sell out and cutting development costs whereas Blackspider and Postini were throwing money at their products.
So we waited and waited for ML to improve. Each year we entertained Postini and ML to present their improved products and still we stayed with Blackspider.
Finally ML produced a front end that could take on Blackspider and we saw it demoed in early 2008. Apart from email branding, you could do most of the adjustments that Postini and Blackspider can do. However they were the most expensive on price so Blackspider wins at the moment.
It's not been so smooth with Blackspider. At the start it was direct phone calls to the engineer in Reading if you had a problem. That disapeared when SurfControl bought them out. Support has got slower since Websense has bought SurfControl but the online service has improved as SurfControl was not helping the product.
We like Postini and it matches what Blackspider offers on features and price but we need to see Blackspider really mess up to force us to move again.
I wonder if the ML staff will have to move to Green park in Reading. At least Green park doesn't flood unlike Gloucester. What will happen to Star? Do they still share a building with ML?
Anyone have any opinion on Postini apart from "It's owned by Google"?