What next?
I know what's coming next - after cannon fodder it'll be jail meat.
All those hellholes in the southern sun will be fitted out using convict black labour to scab (heh) on union labour (same as the cannon fodder producers use khaki conscripts). If all the perps (and suspected perps, and black kids in the wrong place at the wrong time) are set to work covering the roofs and grounds and walls with solar panels or digging ditches for heat exchangers or cultivating energy cacti on the freefire strips inside and outside the walls then not only will the new plants be built in record time but the bars will be fed with home-produced juice.
And the cheapskates will even stoop to using open source computers (almost said "commuters" there - sheer paranoia!) and Linux etc to avoid their patriotic duty of paying the M$ tax.
Hm, and after the jails begin to rock, I suppose it'll be the navy with Harm and Hips using wave power, tidal power and tow-along turbines to generate all they need.
Then the air force building missile and drone skins from thin-film solar panels, and doing Stuka dives from 30 000 meters to 10 000 meters to recharge their electric battery powered engines.
Maybe we could urge the fat cats to fit wind turbines to their golden parachutes or at least kinetic energy transformers and heat and dissolution converters for when they leap out of the windows. SPLAT!!
(Paris cos we know what wavy movements she could use to generate juice...)