Chill out ffs
Ok so the comments have been more intelligent than on other sites. At least you guys seem to get the idea that it’s to regulate online pricing.
But despite knowing that and for you all to still bitch about a company trying to protect its financial models seems a bit off.
Things cost differently in different countries, its global economics not a company’s personal vendetta against you to make your life as difficult as possible.
Also DS games which will still probably be developed for for the foreseeable future is still region free so yes you can still buy carts where ever you go, or import them.
Ps: “PSP managed to survive this so long as it was so notoriously difficult and user unfriendly to run game copies”
Obviously has no idea. The psp can be so easily soft modded with a little research and in fact many believe it’s the modding scene that has kept this platform alive through hardware sales. Its certainly not the games!