@ Chris Cheale
Whatever the BPI would like you to think, it isn't illegal to format-shift material you own -- at least, not as long as the device on which you intend to play it is incapable of accepting the original medium.
Nobody has ever been arrested for format-shifting, nobody ever will be, and even if they ever were, and they rightfully insisted on a Crown Court, they would be acquitted by a jury (out of any twelve people, the odds are well in your favour that two of them have done it themselves). The verdict would then set a legally binding precedent -- much to the chagrin of the BPI.
It's *treated* as though it were illegal purely so that police officers can obtain warrants to search the premises of known villains, on the strength of a home-taped cassette found in a car.
Unless you're wanted for something else that they haven't been able to prove, the Old Bill aren't in the slightest bit interested in a little bit of home taping or iPod-loading. And if they do get a magistrate to award them that little fishing trip, you can bet what you like that the copyright offences won't be mentioned anywhere on the charge sheet by the time it gets to court.