Priest / Gay Stereotypes
It never ceases to amaze me how many people buy into the anti-Christian media hype about priests buggering little boys. What's interesting is that you don't see (for example) sports coaches being vilified to nearly the same extent; while one may often hear the sentiment "He's a priest, therefore he must be a kiddy-fiddler", we don't hear the sentiment "He's a sports coach, therefore he must be a kiddy fiddler" echoed nearly as often.
Yet consider this: To become a priest is a lifetime commitment; 7 years studying in a seminary, including social work, counselling and psychology degrees as well as religious doctrine, followed by years of mission work in hospitals, prisons, violent third-world nations and other unpleasant places to refine your commitment, before you can be ordained as a priest. That's why most priests are older men - it takes that long to become one. Contrast that with what it takes to become a sports coach: the ability to play sport, pass a mandated-notifier course and CRB check and you're in.
So which path is easier for a would-be paedophile to get up close and personal with the kiddies? I wonder what percentage of priests are paedophiles compared to the percentage of sports coaches? Yet you who so readily vilify priests rarely question the integrity of your child's sports club instructors. The fact is, most sports coaches, and most priests, are honest people with a genuine interest in their role.
Although not now a Christian myself, I was raised as one which included regular church attendances, my involvement with the church as a choirboy and altar boy, as well as participation in catechism and church youth groups. I also attended a Christian boy's school in my childhood as well, being taught by the Christian Brothers as well as the parish priests.
In all of that, I never once personally encountered any sign or evidence of sexual molestation, nor have any of the Christian friends of my family. Yes, it does happen - there's plenty of evidence for that. But it also happens in state schools, sports clubs, youth clubs and anywhere else children congregate. All of the brothers, deacons and priests I've known have been selfless, caring and intelligent men who work long hours for little reward other than their belief in their service to their God.
So to those who love ranting about priests and little boys: Are you a rapist or a kiddy-fiddler simply because you are male? Remember "all men are potential rapists"? Don't like being tarred with that brush just because a few men actually are? Neither do priests, most of whom are honest and decent people. So think before parroting the media's anti-Christian hype and furthering their agenda. Ask instead what mileage the power-brokers of this world stand to gain by disenfranchising religion!