You have the right
To freedom of speech......... but later, not now. You can say what you like when it is no longer relevant.
A full day after the US House of Representatives rejected a $700bn financial bailout bill, the website is still straining under an immense surge of internet traffic. Admins are now resorting to the quick fix of limiting emails from the public to prevent the website from crashing. The Chief Administrative …
Really, the various markets had titanic increases in volume and they did not say "do your trade later, we're too busy now". Even the clearing houses managed to complete their work before markets opened the next day.
Maybe Congress should hire someone that has capacity on demand or whatever they call it now.
At least they aren't resorting to the tried and true paper letters (aren't they all lawyers that live on paper?). Save a tree, it is much greener to shred your emails than to shred your letters.
Out of interest - in what way is email connected to running websites? Mail servers are typically in no way related to web serving and are usually in entirely different locations on completely different networks.
This sounds (on the face of it) like complete and utter bollocks being spouted by a clueless numpty.
Email is connected to their website because on each member's website there is a web based form so you can "email your representative". Those who are in the know would just use their email account elsewhere to contact their representative but often those same people would need to visit their member's website to determine what their representative's email address is...
I also agree that it is quite short-sighted that they don't have a virtual hosting contract where they can just have bandwidth/server capacity added on demand.
I agree any chance to send an opinion on a proposed government "idea" directly to my MP without hiring a private detective to find him would be most welcome.
Of course with the British government they would probably require that I burn it to cd and then courier it to my MP....
It's because we're trying to TELL YOU MORONS SOMETHING.
Namely that we do NOT agree with your effing "bail out".
You're throwing a life preserver (giving money) to the people who CAUSED this mess, leaving those of us suffering from it (the tax payers) to drown.
You're charging my children & THEIR children nearly a *TRILLION* dollars in order to keep your Titanic afloat.
Those of us who did NOT try to get a mortgage that was beyond our means, and now find ourselves in dire straights (because you're making US pay for THEIR folly), have ZERO recourse.
The politicians & their "fat cat" supporters, the people who caused the mess & won't feel even the slightest hiccough in their daily lives, get to be all-the-richer from the money-grab.
Despite the fact that the original proposal was barely over 100 pages, & everyone was screaming "No Earmarks! No Pork! No fat! Keep it mean, lean, & on the beam!", they bloated it to over *FOUR HUNDRED-FIFTY* pages, of which it's 95% crap designed to make the rich richer & ef-all help for those doing the actual suffering.
I'm an American, but GFD I am S&FTired of my Government & the corruption at EVERY level.
Don't blame me - I didn't vote for the Moron in Office.
Is there ANY place on the planet someone can move to that does NOT get affected by corrupt politicians?
If not, can I get a ticket to Mars?
I'd be willing to help colonize it if it gets me away from the Idiots In Charge.