So much for Apple's image as "green" But seriously, I wonder how much toxic chemicals ALL computers and electronic devices emit from outgassing of hot components, or just over the course of their useful lives. Would be interesting to see a study featuring all mfrs, not just Apple. Myself, I've always liked the smell of new electronics, ever since I was a kid. Technology has always been my calling. Hopefully my excessive alcohol consumption does something to mitigate the other toxins :)
Of course probably all jobs have some kind of hazards like these... Many years ago, before I got into IT, I used to be a restaurant manager. We'd usually buy a couple of cheap plastic fans at the beginning of summer. They'd start out spotless and clean, but in a matter of a few months, would be covered with a thick, oily, sooty residue on the blades, which I believe is what caused them to eventually fail. It would be nearly impossible to scrape off, unless you took them apart and soaked them in degreaser overnight. Of course we were all breathing the same air the fans circulated. (and the restaurant had a good exhaust system) Somehow I doubt breathing this crud was a health tonic.
And I used to work with a guy that at some point had worked in a steel mill... He used to tell us stories of how nobody set any paperwork down in the mill. If you did, in an hour you could no longer find it, as it would be completely buried in soot and ash. Yum.