Re: No Free Lunch
No, there is no such thing as a free lunch. But the advertisers haven't merely shot themselves in the foot, they have machine-gunned the bloody thing right off.
And they *keep* firing even though both of their feet are blown away, along with most of their legs, in the vein hope that their aggressive advertising techniques *might* start working.
They won't.
"t'web" is a prime example. If advertisers had stuck to *reasonable* ads, nobody would mind. But they didn't.. They naively assumed that they could shove garish in-your-face ads at web users, stupidly thinking that the larger, more garish and obnoxious they made the ad, the more likely it is to get noticed.
They got noticed all right. People *hate* them. But the big difference between the web and other advertising mediums (tv, radio) is that people *can* do something about them. The ad-blocker was born.
Now a large number of web users block all ads by default. So the stupidity of the advertising twerps has resulted in people blocking *all* ads, not just the really annoying ones.
You would think they would learn from this and 'tone down' the ads, but oh no, they come up with schemes to defeat ad-blockers and even deny access to people who use them. Or come up with privacy violating schemes like Phorm.
Personally I give each site *one* chance. The first pop-up, animated or flash-based ad I see and the whole site get all ads blocked.