2.5TiB on a 2.5" disc? Pah!
Interesting article. I hate to add to the SSD hype but I did a very rough yet conservative back-of-MS-Calc calculation of what an 2.5" SSD could possibly hold using existing technology.
I have for my phone a 8GiB MicroSD card. These things are tiny - about 1cm^2 by 1mm thick, even with the casing and contacts. Astonishing. By scaling the volume up to that of a 2.5" disc, I came to a ballpark figure of 12TiB - huge for such a modest volume and a fair bit more than I can see a future HDD fitting! I imagine there are, of course, many reasons why you can't simply fill a disc with MicroSD cards, but it would appear to me that, as far as densities and capacities go, the future is likely with the SSD?