Ho hum
The real problem is people keeping records on other people.
Doesn't it strike you as a bit odd to do that anyhow, sort of nosey, invasive, and creepy.
People need to rethink that bit, because that is the crux of the problem. You should be able to control and maintain your own notes, and apply whatever security you like to them. There is a line to how much data should be stored by another on a person, and time and time again we see how far over that line organisations have stepped.
You know, I cannot think of one thing that the Government has done in the last decade that has had a positive effect on society, something for the greater collective good, instead I can only think of all the bizarre control systems that have been put in at great expense that are all fundamentally flawed.
What is going on, it is like they hate the people, it is a very sick to take governance from.