Theese Investeeng, eeht makes no sense.
seems like an odd choice for an investment company. as land-towers and even landcable are being massively ramped up in terms of operating efficiency and data handling with Fiber replacement in high-density areas and new build, dark fiber being lit up again and even the old copper networks seeing imprvements from ADSL and improved compression software. I dont see a growth market for them, let alone the fact that for the next ten years or so they'll be forced to buy launch time from Soyuz-based launch vehicles as the shuttles are retired.
increased launch costs, no growth market = why invest? I cant help but feel that Iridiums only market, of massively out-of-civlisation groups is its only way forward, keeping them with the crowd its always had; jungle documentary teams, arctic research posts, oil rigs, and desert goons. as it stands I'd be worried that the massive fleet of communications satellites being readied for on-demand satellite services arent going to slide in neatly and take their tiny market share, not to mention PPPs between military/overnment networks and the public.
also, @ Ian : dunno about you chief, but we covered Atomic composition and covalent bonding during GCSE chemistry.
Tux, becuse even a penguin can finish GCSE chem. (and not paris, for obvious reasons)