errrr lol?
The lower case letter 't' was briefly removed from the home page of Cisco's website on Thursday morning. The Sesame Street-style caper failed to affect capital letter Ts. Numerous Reg readers were quick to tell us of the curious case of the missing letter on Thursday morning. Several theories emerged, including the …
This should actually be listed under "Rise of the Machines"
and others..
Cisco supercomputers gaining sentience, start by restructuring simple words under the guise of an accident, subliminally sending us signs to go to war and that it wants to control humanity.
Probably engineered the credit crunch too.. get us at each others' throats!
Pro'ly some uber Gargantu-Corp got delusions of relevance, thought it had copyrights to the letter 't', and issued a takedown order at which some poor n00b at Cisco panicked and complied; bosses were on the golf course (after having reserved their 't' time -- were they in on it?) at the time, hence so long before the situation was rectified.