he was "not going to pee all over myself"
Isn't that what the catheter was to prevent?
Mine's the upside down one.
David Blaine's much-hyped "twatdangle"* over New York's Wollmann ice rink has ended in controversy amid accusations that the whole thing was sham, the BBC reports. Blaine had stated he would remain suspended upside-down for 60 hours, sustained by nothing more than sipping drinks through a straw while urinating through a …
You can't really do much about gravity, pretty hard to swallow upwards and it might of been amusing to see him do his toilet stuff upside down. Maybe Blaine could do us a favour and just be a street magician. Failing that, maybe jumping out of an aeroplane without a parachute should be his next stunt...
"not going to pee all over myself"
perhaps if you are not prepared to pee all over yourself, then hanging yourself upside down for 60 hours isn't something to attempt. It's as hippocritical as sitting in a glass box for 40 days and having a curtain put up around it every so often so you can have some privacy.
So let me see if I get this.
He claimed that he was going to hang upside down for 60 hours, but then actually did what could be described as "hang upside down until he needed the loo, or a medic wanted a look at him, then he'd stop for a bit. Repeat for 60 hours."
How crap is that?
but has clearly shat on his fans.
Hopefully sufficient of them will now see him for the publicity seeking gimboid that he is, and that his 'career' will now terminate in a quiet slide into well-deserved obscurity, remembered only as " that Twatdangling Gitwizard".
I spent some of the first fricking months of my life dangling upside down.
What was the big deal? More to the point though... David Blaine has 100s of fans. Jesus & I thought the credit crunch was a sign things were bad.
Can we have a david blaine icon preferably to represent stories of people making a twatdangle of themselves for publicity?
Paris because we'd all love to tw*tdangle for her.
Come to England and repeat the stunt - I'm sure there are plenty of people here who'd willingly piss all over him* even if he's not willing to himself. What a twat!
I'm pleased I'm from a nation that throw things at him rather than standing in awe of his clearly lacking talents. And as for being voluntarily catheterised! The only time I expect to be catheterised is either when I'm in a coma, or am sufficiently old and ill that one of my remaining relatives have the go ahead to switch the machine off.
*unless he was on fire
I believe Marcus Brigstoke actually said Freakdangle, it was in some (ficticious) computergames that the Now Show were offering in the xmas special that year.
You notice that he doesn't do anything inthe UK since Freakdangle, I'd love to see him trying a stunt like this in the east end of London. Golfballs off tower bridge would do a lot more than keep him awake!
I find it quite surprising how many people actually think the twat in question actually does these 'feats' we have been discussing. As a previous commenter mentioned, in the box they put a curtain up every now and then for him to have a good eat, in the ice cube there was a fake bottom and they blew dry ice fog over the ice (to keep it from melting apparently!) which obscured the view enough for him to swap with a double into the little nice room underneath. All of them are tricks. ALL TRICKS.
If you look at Http://Blainenews.nonexitestent.website its got news of his next challenge. It involves 5 days of sheer hell, and will require his massive will power skills in order to finish it. It involves waking up on a monday morning and going to work for eight hours then returning home everyday for 5 days Yes a WHOLE WEEK, at work . He'll never do it imo
Don't forget all his ridiculous endurance stunts to date have been an illusion. The ice stunt for example, if you spent time watching it, every so often the ice would fog up, the official explanation being the humidity from his breath. The reality is, every 2 hours they pumped dry ice in until it was foggy enough to do the shift change. The box on a cable was even funnier since Blaine only did the day shift and a double the night shift. Again, people watching the box in person would have seen a cherry picker going up twice a day to clean the box. Whilst the box was soaped up for the cleaning, a clever floor tray mechanism was used to switch out the double.
He's a magician, and a second rate one at that. If you watch his street magic, it is all old tricks. I've never seen him do something new, unlike great magicians (like Penn and Teller for instance) who are constantly either doing new things, or bringing new ideas to old tricks.
"...If his name hadn't been David Blaine I would never have come."
Did this guy really have so little to do with his day that an upside down conjurer sounded like fun? Surely Blaine getting down to take a piss was a major highlight of what is, to be fair, a bloke remaining still upside down.
I also like the idea that a random bloke upside down is dull, but a minor celeb twatdangling is worth going out of your way to watch.
Hung upside-down for 60 hours. And people pay money for that?
If he'd have been hung upside-down, suspended from his testicles, I'd have (maybe) taken more interest in this stunt. Better yet, if he'd hung himself from his neck, and they where displaying his body for 60 hours, I'd have watched the whole show (buying popcorn and soda's too).
*Sigh* Why didn't they put a screw on top on that fish tank he was submerged in?
The key issue is the 10 minutes/hour health and safety breaks. (I'm quoting another poster so flame him if wrong...)
I haven't hung upside down for very long in recent years. I suspect my brain or at least an artery thereof would explode sometime in the first hour, let alone 60 hours. Your body just isn't warrantied when you fail to comply with the user manual.
So this was a stupid misleading stunt from the beginning. No credible sponsor is interested in the liability around letting this git actually do something dangerous.
He's the only person I recall in many years to have united the entire UK into a oneness we haven't see since battling Johnny Foreigner in WW II.
Okay, so it was to engage in a collective cry of "wanker" as he was suspended over the Thames, but he deserves some credit.
Okay he's not very good at his job, is a complete let-down, doesn't deliver what's promised during or at the end,but don't think that's in anyway indicative of any other Americans, their institutions or even Presidents. Oh no.
Mine's the one with the Guantanamo invite in the pocket.
that's the one that did it for me. You see Blaine being hoisted by high in the sky, but of course by a crane just off camera, you are then shown a bunch of girls staring and pointing in amazement, can they not see the crane?
No, instead they are actually responding to another trick, where he uses the Balducci levitation trick of appearing to float an inch off the ground (yes he just stands on tip toe and does it an angle).
Now the programme tries to claim that no camera tricks were used, by saying that all responses shown are actual responses to the tricks performed or the such like. It is that type of trickery that really is quite boring, if you are watching on TV the tricks cannot take advantage of that fact.
Even the evil pixie Derren Brown has been caught out a couple of times there, but at least his stuff is wrapped in some originality and adds some extra twists. Blaine had one good series and that was it, and even those tricks relied on stooges quite often and the use of specially crafted magic tricks - it was just he did it on the street.
Oh and want to know how Derren did the walk on glass trick, well he did walk on glass and anyone can as long as the glass is clumped together, the trick is to knock the glass off your feet at the end as one bit of glass would puncture the skin but a lot won't, simple physics.
Same as a bed of nails, the trick is getting yourself on and off so the weight is spread across a number of points.
But you can still enjoy Derren for those tricks, it still takes a bit of gumption to pull them off, and he has built up a persona that people tend to emote to off the bat now, which enables him to pull off more tricks. Blaine well, it is just boring really.
I'm shocked people are still paying any attention to this douche bag. Yes he had an interesting close up magic gig and sold it fairly well. But this crap he's been doing recently is just a bunch of self promotion for the sake of promotion, total non events.
Paris, since were talking about twats.
Hey! I have an idea. Why don't we get him and that shark guy together, Damien Hirst?
If he sticks Blaine in a tank with formaldehyde (and glues it shut), people can laugh at Blaine forever and Damien will have a work that is as easy put together as all the others but impossible to sell (actually, no, Tracey Emin's even easier. I have a bed like that every day).
Not that he'd mind, he's found one fool already.
Usually the guy delivers on his stunts. Saw the short video of this one, including the finale... he delivered, but it was a pile of steaming donkey dung. Anyone who paid for this crap (advertisers, sponsors, etc.) should sue the sucker to get their money back.
Maybe he's replacing Seinfeld in the new Microsoft ads?
I'm with Chris Richards on this one. Let him come back to England where we know how to treat him right.
This man is not worthy of his own piss.
Houdini is probably at this moment still trying to work out how to come back through the ether to haunt people so that he can kick Blaine into touch for name-dropping him once too often.
Paris because she seems so appealing when you've had to suffer the arsities of Blaineism.
British mobs -- I love 'em and their outright disdain for wankers.
I especially loved the radio-controlled helicopter with a sandwich dangling off it, buzzing his stupid bloody cage by the Thames.
There was meant to be a flash-mob to shine red lasers at him too, I think, but sadly didn't really kick off.