El Reg TV Gudie
Two new people in Emmerdale!? I mean come on, what next are you going to start adding TV listings. Why not get rid of BOFH and replace it with summaries of what's happening in Neighbours or Home and Away.
We're not quite sure what the regulars down at the Woolpack will make of this*, but LA Law thespiatrix Amanda Donohoe is set to join the cast of venerable ITV soap Emmerdale as one half of a "sexy new couple" who retire to the country. Donohoe, 46, has declared herself "very excited" to join former Casualty star Maxwell …
As good as Emmerdale Farm was (when there were cows, sheep in t'top field etc) I fail to see what El Reg is doing reporting this? I mean, next thing I know my wife will be reading this site to get her Eastenders fix..
Paris 'cause I'm sure she's an animal lover.
Well, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is a computer, which if you'd read it you would know. <LOL>
Besides, any geeknerd worth his salt has read all the books, listened to the radio show, seen the TV shows, hated the new movie and mourned the passing of dear departed Douglas.
Most geeknerds I know (and I do include myself in there) couldn't give a f**k if Haemarroid Farm, Constipation Street and Crapenders were all cancelled. Not that it would make any difference to the crap-quotient of our brave new multiple-channels-of-shite world of so called entertainment.
Clarkson for BBC General Director! ;-)
TV TITbits
Where you can find all the celebrity gossip and other assorted tosh that is really going to make a difference to your life.
Brenda H (Wolverhampton) Says: I can't get through the week without my fix of TV TITbits as it almost makes my boring, unemployed and overweight life worth living.
And what's the next weeks El Reg (aka Cosmo) super exclusive ?
**********Dot does knitting**********
Meanwhile those who are looking for technology information I suggest you look elsewhere as there is nothing to see here.
What's going on here El Reg?
Are you trying to test the waters to see if any of us would find soap news appealing?
I see the plan, daily articles on the Reg about all the soap news, so much easier than all that IT nonsense.
As they say on the Intertubes (Does it feature on Emmerdale, maybe we need an article on that as well?) Epic Fail.
(I need to click on that "IT?" button before the Reg runs out of them...)
Agreed. If we want soap news we can go crawling off to those fatuous magazines for people who really think Emmerdale's a real place with real people living in it.
Dear gods, I don't know why people watch that sort of drivel anyway; as if life's not depressing enough as it is.
I'm not sure which I find more amusing - El Reg with a story about a soap, or the number of "readers" who read the story - or at least most of it - and then complained!
FFS people, if you don't want to read the story, DON'T CLICK ON IT!! It really is that simple.
Or have IQs suddenly dropped and much of the El Reg readership changed from (reasonably) sane and intelligent IT types to the sort of lu-sah brained sheep who read everything put in front since they don't have enough brain to think about what they are doing?
ps FreeTard, Jasmine and Chas(tity) are much nicer than Debbie, sorry mate.
AC in case anyone else in the office reads this... :-)
IT Angle? Who cares - it's TottieTV!!
<< FFS people, if you don't want to read the story, DON'T CLICK ON IT!! It really is that simple. >>
A predictable enough comment, certainly. But you missed something. What you're seeing here is people *commenting* on the story, not people reading it.
So is there some reason you imagine readers *shouldn't* feed back to the Reg if they think a story shouldn't be on the site?
Maybe you'd be happy to see the site disappear into celeb-land, but obviously a lot of people here wouldn't.
In order to complain to the Reg about a story, it's not necessary to actually read the article. You can go straight to the comments page. However, even so, it's never sensible to complain about something without first reading what you're complaining about, which might explain why Reg readers are doing so.
Would you expect to find nonsense like this in The Financial Times? I'm all for nonsense in The Register, just not this kind.
I'm not comparing El Reg to The Financial Times, but just commenting that stories should be appropriate to the target audience. The Financial Times knows its target audience. This story puts into doubt if The Register knows its own.