Calm down people, it's normal: its called ignorance
@yeah, right: creative vs. derivative... fair point.
@Brian Miller: design versus programming... spot on.
Previous comments posted = stroll down memory lane... almost a tear or two.
@OzBob: 24x80 screen... yeah; CP/M on Z80 2Mhz CPU, 64k RAM, s-100 bus, 8" floppy...
or creating replica Chrysler Electronic Lean Burn system using RCA1802 CPU, plus pressure and temperature transducers... even design the circuit board... derivative for sure, but had to put heaps of creativity in to get it working [Waikato Tech Institute, NZ: 1980]
All contributors to this thread have valid comments. Young prog's throw away line; he/she blissfully unaware of the effort required 20 years ago; same goes for anyone without an appreciation of the past, in that technology is built on layers of history... which are buried under each successive layer (made of PC-XTs, retired 3745 FEP's, etc).
IMHO, creativity in this context is more to do figuring a novel way around an obstacle, not how many tools there are to do it... best tool is your brain.
Analogy time: car along road; tree fallen over in the middle; way is blocked, car stops. (alternative route adds 500miles to journey)
*00s programmer; 2008*
Consults GPS, where am I? Ah, here. Tries mobile.. damn no signal. Try SMS.. ah, that works.
Gets reply in 10 mins "emergency services there in 15mins" (yeah ok, that would be nice!)
.. plays game on PSP, listens to music CD/MP3 in car
Truck arrives 20 mins later, 15 people, 4 chainsaws, 1 crane
Prog offers to help, but elf'safety officer declines as could get sued... half hour, job done
*80's programmer ; 1988*
Out of car, looks at tree, scratches head... hmmm, looks closer at tree.. flat down or leaning on main branches? leaning... weight mostly at lower trunk... flexy branches at top, less weight
Can move it, or leave it - time/effort/risk... decision = go for it
Takes tow rope out of car, ties onto top of trunk and to the front chassis mount (why front, why not tow ball? coz more weight at front where the engine is; also tie to chassis as could rip the bumper off... {proper analysis of infrastructure} )
Gently reverse taking strain, move tree out enough to get past; leave rags on sticks either side of tree as warning to others... job done in 10 minutes
Drive towards destination, stop nearest phonebox to alert police of said tree; police advise tree removal the next day
Note: 2008 vs. 1988, different sets of tools, and levels of delegation available. 1988 no GPS, no mobiles, no CDs, no MP3.... just simple and effective application of brainpower with limited tools available... where DIY was a requirement not a casual alternative