they didn't... quite
They didn't really burn a million quid, not that they're going to let on, but as far as I recall it went something like this:
The offered a million quid nailed in bundles to boards on a picture frame to the woman who won the Turner Prize for a pile of bricks (I think, it was something pretty lame, if not bricks) This was entitled 'award for the worst Turner Prize Winner ever'. This was somewhat spoiled by the artist refusing to accept the million quid. They then went back to the bank with their bundles of cash with nail holes through the middle, the bank weren't very impressed as they would need to be reprinted, this was duly arranged, at huege cost, presumably with the Bank of England. The K boys then managed to arrange woth the Bank of England for themselfs to dispose of the money on a rmeote Scottish island rather than the bank disposing of it themselfs. So all the really burned was the re-printing fee.
I can't imagine they wouldn't have had a lot to answer to the rozzers about if they did burn the whole lot...
One of the best publicity stunts ever.
I saw Bill speaking a year or so ago and he said that one of his sons had come home from school crying saying "daddy tell me that it's not true, the kids in the playground said you burned A HUNDRED POUNDS"... Bless!