A Word of Warning
Should CW take over Tiscali, I hope the first "cost saving synergy" is CW axing the useless idiots who either belong to Tiscali or Pipex's accounts department!
Despite getting a MAC code and using it February, its taken until September to actually get them to confirm the account has been terminated, (depite multiple attempts, they send me another e-mail saying congratulations your new account is now live!) stop demanding money, offer, though not actually repay yet, the charges they shouldn't have taken from my account 2 months and 4 months after I left them (had to get my bank to issue a new switch card to stop this!).
Oh and as for data protection act, forget it. They were quite happy to talk to my wife about the account when they finally decided to contact me by phone, no security questions, no nothing. Of course this went down really well with someone who works in a call centre for a bank and strangly, things started getting done once she'd explained the error of their ways.
(I'm not saying which ISP I moved to, you'll all want to move & jam the exchange!)