Not a non story
As a mac user (not a complete fanboi but prefer doing my daily work on my mac, less hassle. Also a WinXP, Win2003server, Solaris, Ubuntu... you get the picture)
Something like this is a serious issue and must be corrected. We all know that apple can bit a tad annoying regarding non-dangerous flaws, but they are pretty responsive on stuff like this.
As for the other iPhone issues, I have a iPhone3g and have not had any serious issues, did experience a few dropped calls but firmware upgrades have solved my problems. Only complaint would be battery life, but I knew that beforehand.
As for apple fanbois and apple haters. Really, grow up, all of you. They are just another company selling their idea of how things should be done. It won't suit everyone or every task but seems pretty good for many tasks.
This tendency of making hardware and software into religions is not constructive and silly. Zealotry in any direction is stupid and destructive (that goes for you too Linux fanbois)