Leftover Nazi
Last time I visted Copenhagen, I saw bunch of Danish youth terrorising some colored people who came via Oresund Bridge. Cops saw what was happening to Swedish citizen but did nothing to stop it. If you are non-white then you'll be arrested just by having a skin of a "terrorist". Go figure.
I'll past a comment made by one of my friends in Denmark.
"I myself am a Jew. My mother is Danish, Jewish of origin, 4th generation immigrant from Russia/Poland. My father is an Israeli, Yemenite Jew of origin. I'm quite dark skinned, and as so could go for being an Arab (Muslim).
The last couple of years I personally have felt how racism can strike you like a sledgehammer. I am constantly reminded that I'm different, by comments from people. Few days ago a lady looked at me in the street a said to me "you are all the same", not knowing that I was Jewish.
So I quite understand the frustration of Muslims in Denmark. It is obvious that they are not welcome. Or you may say that many Danes judge people by their color, as seen in my example. It is becoming more and more acceptable both among Danish politicians and by the public, to make statements that are thoroughly encompassed by racistic means.
I believe that if this will continue and racism towards Muslims or for that sake any dark skinned groups in this country, it could create such radicalism, both among Danes but also among Muslims, that could lead to heavy violence. This is surely not the way to integrate people, but a way to create segregation, and undermine the present welfare state. The Danish politicians should think about that. As a Jew and in my case dark skinned person, I therefore truly understand what it means to be stigmatized, and considered to be "like all of them", and can understand why deep hate are created among different cultural groups, and what this can do to a society, Danes should think about that."