Marginal need?
Imagine a fleet of those statiioned at a M*A*S*H unit...
A noted US air'n'space crazytechware firm, engaged in building a comparatively humdrum hover killbot, has strongly suggested that their machine could in fact function as the long-yearned-for flying car - or flying bike anyway. The 'Excalibur' sky-bike prototype from Aurora Flight Sciences The proposed aerial steed. Pic: AFS …
Sorry but the only flying bike that should be allowed is the lawmaster from Judge dredd, all other attempts should be put in the bin.
mines the one with the belly wheel, ugly cream, bat glider suit, and too much time on his hands in the pocket.
oh and Paris, beacuse if I were a Judge she could play with my helmet any time
Given the need to keep weight to an absolute minimum, there's no possibility of hardening this puppy against ground fire. Likewise, once you put a person in it, you remove the capability to kill people from a safe (though not safe for the intended target - or any unfortunates around them) distance.
While it may be faster than walking, at least the infantry has the ability to hide behind things if they come under fire - not much chance of that where there's nothing but air all around you.
That essentially rules out it's use in a combat zone. So you've not left with many opportunities where a good old jeep, or helo wouldn't do a better job faster.
...I think they have been watching too much sci-fi. That thing must make a hell of a noise not to mention big clouds of dust. What happens over water, hot/cold environments with poor lift?
And everything these days is made for "special forces", what about the regulars, you can't make an impractical machine seem more attractive by sticking with "its for the special forces...silly" all the time. It doesn't wash.
I would have throught the fan area even with three fans was a bit small for decent lift, it looks like it would struggl to get airborn with a fully-kitted supergrunt and a decent fuel load. The idea of it as an unmanned rescue vehicle for downed pilots is much more likely given the number of choppers and crews lost by the Yanks in such rescues. Instead of having to assemble a force of rescue choppers, gunships and support aircraft to penetrate enemy airspace and secure an airfield, you simply have a number of airtrikes sitting ready to go at a forward strip. The moment the pilot ejects, you send the airtrike to home in on his rescue beacon, and you could probably have him back just about as soon as he hits the ground. The idea that you could drag yourself aboard and press a button to get going back to base would appeal to injured pilots. You could even send a few other airtrikes as decoys, and maybe divert some Reapers to loiter in the area and shoot-up any enemy forces that try to intervene, all without risking any other aircrew.
Sounds better for helping with mountain and canyon rescue in non-combat situations.
Also, just think: aerial killbot delivers terrestrial killbot to battle, then soften targets for the advance.
Unfortunately, a well-equipped person who's not under fire could also mean a man with a well-zoomed video camera and radio for police-state surveillance.