The Sun taking the high moral ground
Come on, that is like Paris condemning some other tart for being promiscuos.
A UK number plate dealer is offering drivers the chance to enjoy an ORG 45M for a cool £150k, or get their hands on a hot PEN 15 for a mere £99,995. Regtransfers.co.uk currently has its PEN 15 screwed to some company wheels, as you can see here. A company spokesman said: "Whilst driving around with it on our company Smart car …
So, idiots with more money than brain cells want a label on their car to let the world know that they are an idiot with more money than brain cells who isn't getting any. Probably because they have the maturity of a sniggering 13 year old virgin.
I'm sure this will be very useful for us grown-ups in giving these idiots a wide berth, but the IT angle is...?
If you're rich enough to buy 1 for $16m or whatever, why bother? Why not just put 1 on the car anyway & pay the fines for having an invalid numberplate. They could impound your Aston and crush it but who cares... even at $200,000 a pop you afford to get nicked 80 times before it costs the same!
There's a similar one (or there used to be unless Gangsta Vehicle Leasing Inc has repo'd it) round here... I think it was P15 0EF with the plate screw partially covering the lower part of the E (or maybe the owner just got done for that... probably screws with ANPR or something)
All licence plates here in the UAE are number based. The only letters indicate which Emirate you are in, and Dubai plates have letters which I "think" indicate the locality of the car. The lower the number here, the more important you are seen to be. Hence 1 being seen as the most important (until you get into the "VIP" plate area)
Mind you, I've seen far too many Lexus LS400 with Abu Dhabi plates being driven by complete TW4 T5
The biggest hint being that (some) Florida plates have a nice big orange between the two parts.
Even better, this is a standard series-issue plate, they didn't pay extra for it!
Paris - probably the best contender to own said plate.