El Reg
Turning into Failblog?
ICanHasOldParisIconBackPlz? (although the others can stay, this new one just doesn't look as good...)
As I write this, I can hear a distant droning which indicates the Twat-O-Tron has just been fired up at its secret location somewhere in Middle England and is about to discharge an unholy turdspurt at supermarket monolith Sainsbury's. Here's why: Sainsbury's offer for "Innocent kids juices" Yup, we're thinking the same as …
If I'd have known they were squishing kids when I worked next door to them many years ago, I might have turned down all those free bottles...now I'm hopelessly addicted. Really bad as I now work at a school.
Of course the grammar would have been easy if they'd just labelled them "Innocent juices for kids".
the picture doesn't fit in your new fixed width evil ness place in future crop photo's to fit or get rid of the fixed width (my preferences) other than that it's lovely
but to the point clearly this is just a sign that the world is deevoling back to the soup we all came from.
I personally can't wait until we become a split race of super intelligent race of higher beings and a race of illiterate slaves for us to rule over. ofcourse first we must get rid of the third race of people who seems intelligent until they get public office then they suddenly become stupid i believe they are called politians
I won't complain about the change in format of ElReg because I usually love the content. But this article really is late on a Friday afternoon after a good lunchtime in the pub level of quality.
So someone missed out an apostrophe. Who gives a flying fuck? The grammatical error is endemic. Yes, it pisses a lot of us off, but I fail to see the IT angle. Even slightly.
Have you suddenly started being sponsored by The Daily Mail?
...the deliberate mistake: the mis-spelling of "Sainbury's" in the title of the article was intentional irony, wasn't it?
"this article really is late on a Friday afternoon after a good lunchtime in the pub level of quality"
Aside from the apostrophe incident, while innocent are overpriced at the best of times, this 'kids' version is daylight robery.
And, as has been mentioed, the image didn't fit the layout either.
Self-inflicted downfalls seem to be in vogue: Will G Brown/Nu-Labour or El Reg implode first?
Jesus Christ, there are some sites on the web that you expect to pander to this kind of thing, failblog for example, or englishfail, but el reg?? You've got to be kidding me, I'm used to having to filter through the crap to the stuff I'm interested in but at least the crap used to actually be news! This is a joke, and it's not a funny one..
One better for you. about four years ago corn nuts did a major ad campaign. Theme was nut busting fun.
The ad went like this. Bust a nut at work, but a nut at the prom, bust a nut at the park.
Lets look at that again .
Bust a nut at work: I don't want to get fired
Bust a nut at the prom: I'm working on it
Bust a nut at the park: and end up on the sex offenders list..
For you people that don't get it it, google bust a nut. Make sure you are not at work
And, from the _Addams Family_ movie:
Girl Scout: Is this [lemonade] made from real lemons?
Wednesday: Yes.
Girl Scout: I only like all-natural foods and beverages, organically grown, with no preservatives. Are you sure they're real lemons?
Pugsley: Yes.
Girl Scout: I'll tell you what. I'll buy a cup if you buy a box of my delicious Girl Scout cookies. Do we have a deal?
Wednesday: Are they made from real Girl Scouts?
Anyhoo, what marketroid decided on the "Innocent" brand name? Sounds a bit Lolita- ish, ya? Or are they trying to carve marketshare away from Megaphone Mark's "Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!" brand?
Sigh... the story is in Bootnotes. I suggest if you have issues with articles that have very little or nothing to do with IT you give the whole section a miss rather than reading them and then complaining it. Getting all huffy and then polluting the comments section with your inane whines about "How this has nothing to do with IT" gets a tad old.
As a simple guide, the articles with "Bootnotes" above the headline are things you probably want to avoid.
... but I read the whole apostrophe thing as an ironic misdirection aimed at highlighting the absurdity of a story on tabloid standard giggle-icious faux pas and a not so subtle dig at those folk that take such things altogether too seriously and vent their misplaced spleens webwise ...
The bears have been robbing me blind at the three card monte and i could certainly use a bottle of the Innocent brand fruit juice for kids to quench the inferno of my burning humilliation.
The product is called "Innocent smoothies for Kids". To me, it looks like the name has been shortened to "Innocent Kids". That is the name of the product, so I don't think there should be an apostrophe.
Maybe the price ticket text should have been quoted - ie - "Innocent Kids" juices
>> Apostrophe is for possessive case. As you point out, it would be 'juices of kids'. What they really
>> mean is juices FOR kids, so that's how it should have been written.
Exactly, now if it were Tesco or ASDA the product would be the juice of innocent kids, however I am sure our beloved Sainsbury's would only ever sell Innocent for Kids juice and not the aforementioned.
Never mind the children, I wonder how long it will be before IFAW and friends start moaning about the number of baby goats killed and blended down to a pulp...
Meanwhile, since we're getting rather possessive over apostrophes, here are a few spare ones to scatter around wherever appropriate: '''''
Mine's the one with the bloodstains...
It must be catching. The default web page which is supposed to confirm that the web-sharing is working correctly on the Mac - Leopard reads ....
'It’s a snap to create and publish your own website from your Mac. When your site is ready, it’s just as easy to publish it. Open System Preferences and click Sharing, then select Web Sharing.
Your done. Your site is now available on your private network at home or work.'
By Mike Brown Posted Monday 15th September 2008 16:14 GMT
"reminds me of the day i told my g/f that cat milk comes from cats....the lok of horor was rather funny as i exlained there was factorys full of cats with mini pumps attached to there nipples............"
Great just great.... I'm going to try this myself, although i doubt i could keep a straight face.