good bad and rubbish
Good - you brought some of the old icons back - they had meaning so it's nice to see them again - and those that have been replaced have improved IMO.
Bad - feels a bit soul-less, it's clear enough I suppose but it doesn't really stand out from the crowd any more. There are usability issues too, it's kind of hard to know exactly where you are without having to hunt round the page (always a bad sign). Buttons don't feel button-y, headings don't feel heading-y, the eye isn't drawn in as it should be, looks like it was designed by someone doing design-by-numbers rather than an actual designer.
Rubbish - if you're going to fill a whacking great column with adverts at least allow us to use the whole screen. A minimum width doesn't work because it discriminates against those using pdas and small browsers. It doesn't scale properly. Having it fixed like this feel claustrophobic especially with the grey columns at the side forming a kind of vertical postbox effect. Again design by committee rather than by aesthetic.
It also feels cluttered. It feels as though a great deal of screen space is being wasted with padding and spacing and margins.
front page. Heading: nice enough I suppose but one of the hallmarks of The Register was the centred banner under which everything hangs. Now it's to one side. Ho hum.
some writing that tells you the sorts of things on the site... no wait - those are clickable - I had to think and hover with mouse... bad usability. Still when I go into a sub-section it h.... no it doesn't highlight or change colour or anything so I don't know which subsection I am in. This is not good. Back to the front page.
big story across the top... ok I suppose but there's a BIIIIIG margin around the image and a BIIIIIIIIG margin round the text
must just be easier to read
laid out like this....
or maybe not
so in the left column we have all the stories - with their equally spacious titles and headings...
and on the right we have the world's biggest "most read / emailed / commented" widget. Do me a favour - do a traffic check - who uses these? Does anyone? They must because it's enormous but I know I don't and struggle to come across anyone else who does. Who cares what's popular? What matters is what is relevant. Of course the "popularity" widget has to be big just to accommodate all the spaces
at the side of the columns in the margins.
Special reports - looks nice, well done.
Job stuff - handy, very good, very useful given that we've all lost our jobs in the latest phase of the credit crunch...
Then we have bits at the bottom with a nice subdivision of the main column into two columns that is quite a nice effect to have at the bottom (note to self - will "borrow" that design idea).
My main criticism - it looks too busy. If you pulled in the space a little and made items fill their designated areas more naturally it might be easier on the eye. And if you didn't have these migraine-inducing grey bars on the side we might stay here longer.