back to article US boffins develop self cleaning gecko-foot glue

Regular readers will be well aware of the limited progress made to date on one of the greatest challenges confronting human science. That is, duplicating the miraculously hairy, sticky feet of geckos. But now, a team of top Californian biomimetics boffins believe they have made a breakthrough. "With our gecko adhesive," says …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Where's David Icke when you need him?

    Clearly the rise (no fall) of the lizard army.

    Mine's the one stuck to the ceiling...

  2. Rosco

    Important use of gecko-tech ...

    Goalie gloves

  3. Anonymous Coward

    It has to be said

    I, for one, welcome our squamatan feminine dominatrixes.

  4. Snot Nice
    Dead Vulture

    tsk tsk

    Geckos do not gambol! They scurry.

    Oh dear, maybe someone was fantasising about cute little lambs....

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    All this to replace a PostIt note?

    They seem to stick to most things, so can't we just cover our latest robo-deathreapers with little pieces of yellow paper?

  6. J Swoffer
    Thumb Up


    Perhaps there is a difference in the Casimir forces acting on male and female Gekko feet that with further analysis could provide a quantitative measure on the supposed 'Glass Ceiling Affect' that only appears to affect females. This could be a boon to architects who need to precisley define how high a glass ceiling should be.

  7. Jesse

    RE: Where's David Icke when you need him?

    I'm sure there is plenty of D.Icke to go around.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Why can't we just ask Spiderman how he does it?

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