And of course
They will know where all their droids are at any time. Muahhahaha, etc.
Ericsson has announced a sizeable contract with Cable & Wireless to provide kit for a world-spanning GSM network, but anyone hoping for competition in the mobe market had better get a job at the local supermarket. Ericsson isn't saying much about the deal except that it's big and will provide GSM connectivity in Europe, Asia …
I'd have thought their plans would extend further than that, particularly with the Tesco Mobile customers (who are normally on O2, since it's a joint venture with O2). I'd like to see nanocells, too: T-Mobile offer these in the US now (pay $10/month and get a base station in your house, with unlimited calls using your mobile at home), why can't we have that here?
For that matter, if C&W have this license now, why haven't they done anything (that we've heard of) yet?