back to article T-Mobile Googlephone to land 'within weeks'

The first handset to run Google’s Android platform will arrive much earlier than anticipated, it has been claimed. “People familiar with the matter” have told the Reuters news agency that T-Mobile will start selling the Googlephone on 23 September - less than two weeks from today. The unnamed sources even disclosed where the …


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  1. dervheid

    Land, or...

    crash & burn?

    If they're rushing this out ahead of any previous 'schedule', then if the last offering (*cough* Chrome *cough*) was anything to go by...

    ...flames expected...

  2. Law


    it won't have a beta tag on it, I might even be tempted to look into upgrading around christmas if it's not an ugly brick with google and tmobile stamped all over it!

    Flame - because hopefully it wont have exploding batteries or melting cases either! :)

  3. Danny Thompson

    Expect ......

    .... it not to be perfect and you won't be disapointed (*cough* Agile *cough*) but it will be ..... one day.

    Flame - because did you see how everyone responded to the Apple iPhone, that'll be nothing compared to this

  4. Jonathan Tate


    ...noun adverb verb adverb adjective. Conjunction noun auxiliary verb verb adjective.

    What? I'm just following the same formula as you guys!

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