Journalist's Impression
Could be better...where's the flag, the footprints, the base on the lander...and where are the moon people?
A Chinese state media agency has reported today that the country will launch a three-man spaceflight this month and all systems are already in final preparation. In October 2003, China became only the third country to put a man in space with its own rocket, after the former Soviet Union and the USA. It sent two more astronauts …
This was a big 'translation' mistake from the Commie Chinese Press Release -
A new Made in China kitchen appliance that defies gravity when you stir fry those vegetables in space.
It also comes with a manual in Chinglish which instructs you to always whistle while you wok. Be happy!
Question - Since the Commie Chinese space effort completely revolves around a copy of a Rusky rocket and a surplus Soyuz Capsule they bought bolstered by improved computer technology that traitor IBM essentially gave (sold) them when selling their PC division to CCP controlled Lenovo .... where did the Chi-Coms steale the space suit technology??
Does China do anything original, or just rip off everyone else? So much for Osama Hussein Obama's "wonderful" advanced society! (He's a closet Commie anyway - say hi to your anarchist and marxist buds William Ayers, Anarchist and his friends at the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America )
"That we'll all still be here after the LHC experiment on Wednesday"
All they're doing on Wednesday is running a proton beam round, and round, and round. The first collisions aren't scheduled until October.
Imagine ending the world while the press are present. Goodness, can you think of a sillier thing to do? Just think of the PR damage!
Re: "But the Chinese are in on the conspiracy too!"
That's all right then. But will they return with "proof" of the Apollo landings (to prove the Chinese claim) that will turn out to be not of this earth? Now that would be interesting!
Paris, because she is heavenly.
Read Creationist Christian Fundamentalist, the linguistic style is certainly there.
I will be interested to see the Chinese photos of the Flying Fortress that was reported to be on the moon some years ago by a couple of the more wildly inventive tabloids. If it is really there I will have a lot of bad words about tabloidist journalists to take back.
The irony of Websters post is that, given that china actually spends money on its PHD students (especially if they want to go to a foreign university), most truly new research these days is done by the Chinese . Have a look at the names on the papers in IEEE explore.
Modern technology is all stolen from someone else anyway. If I am using a computer to design antibiotics, I probably didn't invent computers, much less germs.
This said, you have to suspect the American DOD is keeping sekret regarding space stuff. If the Chinese rediscover it, you have to suspect we are more likely to get our hover cars.
Its a shame modern growth, everywhere, kind of relies on the west borrowing back money that it payed someone in the first place, multiplied by fractional reserve banking, then paying it back to the people they just borrowed it off.
Ever since the europeans killed the space-sexy with Ariane - the reliable, utilitarian, 2CV of rocketry - space flight has never been the same.
Sure Moonraker gave us a brief hope for a future of shuttle-mounted warriors dueling in space for freedom, love, and casual sex, but ever since then it has been sputnik-redux with even the chilling thrill of knowing that the NSA can read a newspaper over your shoulder being dulled, somewhat, by being able to do it yourself thanks to the all seeing google-ogle.
And being able to lob precision munitions half way around the world loses its cool factor when you watch it happening to someone driving a Toyota Landcruiser remarkably like your own. It seemed so different when that SUV full of third-world militants was actually an advancing line of communist main battle tanks about to crush Europe under the iron heel of an ultimately flawed but well meaning ideology.
Anyhow, now its about doing the "easy" things over and over and over. Sure it may be a well deserved retirement for the old dawgs of space flight - spending your day working out how to squeeze another 256 streams of pay-per-view sports down that narrow beam of microwaves - but awe inspiring it is not.
Roll on China, with your ideologically unsound hoard of wealth and your disregard for the rights of the individual! We may cheer you, or jeer you, or fear you, but you will make us get all worked up about space flight again.
And when you make your little workers paradise beachhead on the Moon, trust in the fact that somewhere in the USofA someone will be feverishly trying to get a McDonalds up there while, in Europe, tweed jacketed boffins with pipes will be trying to make the whole journey as mundane and unsexy as a bloody day trip to Bangor. 'Ware the "Tiddly-bum Ta-ra-ra"! Make for Mars, post haste!
Ground control to Major Tom:
Your circuit's dead, there's something wong.
Can you hear me Major Tom?
Can you hear me Major Tom?
Can you hear me Major Tom?
Can you ...
Here am I floating round my tin can, far above the moon
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do...
... did a show on whether the moon landings were fake or not.
Couple things of interest:
It was nearly impossible to emulate the walking that the images show, without being in moon gravity. Now, NASA may have had a nice moon set on a plane, but that would have been a cool trick - in the 1960s.
I guess that there was left behind a lens (I forget the name of it) that, if you shot a laser at it, it'll return the shot directly to the source. So they went to a lab that "pinged" the moon. Now, granted, the lab could be in on "the secret" so I don't know if that disproves anything - it was equipment sketching a spectrum, not a visible beam of light, that you see.
They also proved that the sand on the moon would allow a footprint, even in the absence of water (the dirt on the moon hasn't been worn by erosion, so its sharp and holds shape better when stepped in by a rude American tourist).
Good show.
Whats wrong with that, it already is for a start and I find it a sad indictment on humanity that we are happy to pay low prices for products that are produced overseas but when said overseas types start thinking above their station and aiming for the admittedly pointless target of the Moon everyone shits themselves. Good for them, go and have a look, its a dusty rock with no redeeming features. Far better to explore the deep sea here on Earth but go ahead chaps, I'm sure it will be a blast.