@AC (naturally)
"And frankly why do users think developers care about them. Developers care about their code, and wealth. Just like everyone else, they are not your servants, and they don't really give two hoots about your experience, unless you are offering some wonga."
Thanks for summing up the FOSS philosophy so well, I tried to hint at it, but ICBA with the flamage, nice to see a died in the wool freetard admit the truth for a change.
Presumably, you are not one of these "Linux on the desktop to replace windows" morons then, since obviously that view and the one you have just espoused are diametrically opposed to each other.
Other stuff :
"boy do we have a lot of project manager wannabes not capable of coding but capable of whining. "
The ability to write code is not essential for a project management specialist, (big hint in the name) OTOH a certain subset of PM skills are essential for any developer that has to work to a schedule, or with others. Lots and lots of developers fail at this. Usually the really arrogant ones who think they know everything.
"It is easy to be a critic, but try cutting some code and developing a solution then you will see just how ignorant you actually are."
If only that were true. Plenty of arrogant fucktards out there who have dived into coding, turned out FOSS projects that are truly ugly, badly written, and hard to maintain or improve, and yet haven't, in fact, realised their ignorance.
I've seen plenty of release code that looks the kind of scratch code I write in the first hour of tinkering with a new language or API, clearly constructed with no clue about coupling or cohesion issues, functional separation, or any kind of quality considerations at all. Software engineering, pah. They've heard of it. Probably from reading Slashdot.
I've found spaghetti messes of procedural code wrapped in Myclass::SomeFunc() tinsel that doesn't warrant the overhead of object instantiation. I've seen brain achingly complicated compound logic operations stuffed onto one line, wrapped around with so many brackets it boggles the mind, and yet still relying on implicit operator precedence _at the same time_ that were clearly coded by trial and error, take hours to factor out, and usually reveal poor original assumptions about the architecture of their containing code unit. Functions and class methods that run to multiple thousands of lines...
In short, all of the ways to write shit code I have found in FOSS software of various types. People with exactly your sort of attitude cut themselves some code, think to themselves "It works, I fucking rock" and ship it, thinking how fucking clever they are. Who cares if it crashes ? Fucking whining users, after all this stuff wasn't written for them, it wasn't created to fill a need, it was written in order to boost the author's ego, it was, essentially, just an extremely contrived form of wanking.
Professional developers don't get to behave this way*, but then as you rightly point out, FOSS developers don't have the same responsibilities to consider. Fortunately for everyone concerned, many actual FOSS developers take a more caring attitude to the people who will have to use the code they grunt out.
But thanks for being such a good example of exactly why FOSS based operating systems still lack, and will continue to lack, both market and mind share. And also why plenty of seriously experienced and talented techies are walking away from FOSS in disgust.
BTW I notice you were very careful not use the word "we" in your deification of developers ...
*I did say "professional", _un_professional developers act like this all the time.