Swiss angry as well?
Plus, there appears to be an entirely new country above Italy.
We've got some rather shocking news this afternoon for those of you who've spent years believing you're Austrian, Belgian, Danish or Dutch - you're not. In fact, you're German, as this map from Google's comic book guide to Chrome proves: Map from Google Chrome guide showing Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Holland as part of …
Iceland has developed the power of speech.
The guy on the left is clearly stuck in the 80's, doing the robot.
The straights of gibraltar have silted up, which will cause the med to evaporate, presumably why italy has grown a knee.
Greenland has a 'zip-up sea', a new feature by Slarti Bartvarst (sp?) up for a planet design award this year.
It's obvious google are going to sell off our planet once they've done photographing the main sights for intergalactic oil-magnates and leave us with a cheap knock-off planet.
You couldn't make it up.
As far as I can tell, there is no border between Denmark and Germany on that map. Since Google's almighty programmers clearly point towards Denmark's vicinity, Denmark has either been reduced to those two islands between Sweden and Germany or, in fact, Google's V8 was so great it conquered all of Germany for Denmark.
The southern part is completely drowned!
That can only mean one thing: It is a map received from the future, after the eruption of someplace like Santorin or so, taking with it a sizeable chunk of Hellas.
Obviously, if Google knows as much about the future development of Europe, they also know what people will be looking for in a browser 10 years from now.
I.f.o.w.o.n. Google-eyed, devining overlords.
my favorite is the one on page-4 where it says "We're applying the same kind of process isolation you find in modern operating systems" - Like err, address spaces in the 1970's mainframe systems. Just because Windows was borked doesn't mean everything else is... but then if Google says its true, it must be. So how radical is the concept of running tabs as processes and freeing up all the memory when you close a tab... not very, just another old concept applied obviously, patents anyone?
Oh yeah, and I remember around 1985 when the VM/SP pubs team first used cartoons to explain topics in some of the VM/SP manuals, so even thats not new google. Still nice to see the youngsters re-invent the old, maybe next up will be google coke, if you put a dirty penny in it, it cleans it... Wow.
Having said that, I'll be trying out Google Chrome, muppet I know. Mines half way up the stairs
There is also no border between Denmark and Germany shown in the map in the background. Thus, it would seem as if Denmark, as well as the Low Countries and part of Switzerland became part of Germany. But, wait! The figures in the foreground are speaking of Denmark. Hence, it cannot be that Denmark no longer exists; hence, Germany has become part of Denmark, rather than Denmark becoming part of Germany.
Maybe if you play with the gadget to the left it will update the map in time? Take it up one notch and Poland gets invaded, another one and you'll see Vichy France.
Though from what they're saying it's the Danish Vikings making a push south, they've already taken Slovenia for a bit of Adriatic sea-coast which is surely a better place for a quick dip that the Baltic or North Sea at this (or any other?) time of year.
I think you'll find that the entire Benelux region has been annexed by the New Danish People's Republic too!
As well as Austria. The map also appears to have suffered the same problem as the original Euro reference book and Wales has been lost to the sea. Not to mention Scicilly appears to have developed a land-bridge to the continent too...
The one with a spinning globe in the pocket please...
It might effectively have a land bridge to Gozo.
Thats nice, I hope they get some better beaches from it and a bit more room to relax in as its very densely populated there. Its nice of Google to fund the land reclamation project, perhaps using techniques pioneered by the Dutch?
I generally like the Maltese, they're polite, and don't deserve the hard time they get at US Passport Control, with their Arabic sounding language, dusky mediterranean looks and facial hair.
Nor do their menfolk.
AC as I work for some Maltesers
Greece was returned to Turkey...
Talk about scratching a sore spot, Google!!
I guess it's a good thing they didn't use colour, or that'd be the whole Cyprus can of worms knocking at their door.
Of course, mind you, how many greek techies are there??
(says the Greek techie, feeling all alone...)
gave up on the comic, so the humour that no doubt resides within is lost on me.
after all google may well be impressive, this browser even more so but whichever nit did the pages for that comic apparently forgot how the anchor tag is meant to work and thinks everyone has javascript enabled.
perhaps a swipe by google at all the bods out there that have noscript blocking there analytical scripts?
mines the one made from tin foil...
This post has been deleted by its author
Apparently, the area above Italy is Western Austria, not southern Switzerland. And Hungary appears to be integrated with the new large borderless area as well.
However, since only national boundaries are shown, the omission of the internal borders of the United Kingdom (its border with the Republic of Ireland is shown) should not be taken to imply anything about the status of England, Wales, and Scotland.
It seem to also have Slovenia as well as Deutschschweiz, together with making Vorarlburg and Tyrol an independent state.
Plus, where is Kosovo (if your country recognised it) & Palestinian Territories?
It will get me coat, one with a proper map of Europe.
They control the worlds Beer flow !!! (look up inBev and see all the brands that are owned by that belgian brewing corporations. even Bud , Corona and Tsingtao are under their flag ... )
Besides that they also have the finest chcoclate, waffles and fries in the world ( forget french fries !. fries were invented by the blegians. you can buy fries on almost every stret corner in belgium )
If I was a Pole I'd be slightly concerned about Germany's expansion under Czech and Slovak republics, I think they might be going to sneak in from the South this time...
Although I would actually quite enjoy watching a Panzer trying to negotiate the Tatras!
Then again, having sampled Slovakian mountain roads earlier this year, I think a tracked vehicle might actually be for the best!
The east and north coasts of caithness appear to have been trimmed back a bit. That is a good thing, all those areas are fucking horrific.
Unfortunately, they have dragged Orkney closer to it - so my old schoolmates [if they weren't killed in the coastal scraping] are now closer to those inbred, sheep shagging fuck nuggets from the islands.
Orkney dickwads, however, are nothing compared to the Shetlanders [who make the Orkney crowd look like the pinnacle of modern society] so we should all be grateful that they seem to have been pushed out to sea.
I, for one, welcome our world-reshaping Belgian overlords. Especially if they get rid of more of the far north of Scotland.
And supply us all with good chocolate.
Steven R
[Grew up in Wick, Thurmster and Thurso - maps.google.co.uk 'em...]
as the Entire Landmass that was formerly known as "Great Britain" is now "Greater Yorkshire".
Most of Yorkshire is descended from the Vikings so in an act of solidarity with the mother country we annexed the rest of the nation.
Denmark get Europe, we get the Yorkshire Isles.
"And I for one welcome our Flat Cap (with horns) Wearing overlords and I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground Yorkshire Pudding mines".
I make it Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, and most of Switzerland. Lichtenstein is (as usual) to small on this scale to be sure about, but let's include it to be on the safe side...
Please note also the Italians seem to have created a land bridge to Sicily, as have the Turks across the Bosphorus. And has Jordan grabbed a chunk of Israel??
But (and I hope I am not being fastidious here) why the immediate assumption that Germany has taken over Belgium et al, rather than the other way around.
I, for one, welcome our new Lichtensteinian* overlords with open arms.
* or something like that...
Yes, an actual genuine Zeppelin will soon be hangared at Moffat Field, just beside the Google air superiority fleet, and (of course) a mere stone's throw from the GooglePlex. Does anyone doubt they'll rent it?