So Why Must Fashion Outpace a Development Cycle?
Hm... So might we consider, dear Apple, simply refusing to release any other hardware product model of any kind in its class until the little beast's SOFTWARE is (at last) properly sorted? It seems that the interruptions imposed on the product's natural lifespan by dint of "Marketplace Competition" and "needing" to show something new every year at Comdex just might be contributing to the multiple incompetent intermediate results, y'see. Not the first time I've seen this sort of thing.
Believe me, it is irksome to ones' soul to consistently find that some bit of perfectly good hardware kit's been sent off to the Big Knacker in the Clouds (too often by way of dustbin) on the "inexorable" whim of fashion. Year after dreary year, perfectly good kit's rendered as utterly obsolete as last year's Little Black Dress, now replaced by This Year's NEW Little Black Dress (Soooo much moooore sleek! Soooo much more deSIREable!) arm-in-arm with a whole NEW array of "Fashion Malfunctions", as is inevitable when the New Little Sexy Toy is every year just engineered in such a manner as to need a whole new from-the-ground-up set of soft, alluring little slooshy-bits to make its pretty little brain go at all.
Divergent but related: There's an old-school child's-warning that seems to have fallen overboard these fast-living big-money days: "You are taking your life into your own hands (with that thing)!" With one of these little all-in-one woop-dee-doo handy-dandies, I need no longer confine my life's risk-taking to the occasional weekend.
Now I can pay a fat retail fee to be at risk at all times! And I only need stop paying when the Fashionable Personal Risk Module of Choice is no longer in my possession, and I awaken having been all hollowed out and eaten alive overnight by some soddy chav with a couiple o' tricks up their grubby sleeve at last!
How cool is that???
At base, thinking about it while regarding my ancient (at three years, ancient!) Nokia non-folding phone-only pocket cellie with some affection, it makes no sense to me to place the vast bulk of ones' own life and livelihood into something so small and readily cracked/mined/resold that any lapse at the restaurant or pub of choice puts the whole portable easily-palmed thing on the "Free Market" to be profitably abused at another's criminally Puckish will. Then to pay hundreds (plus monthly) for the privilege of placing ones' own life, fortune and sacred honor (now written in silicon) in the way of such harm in such a fashionable manner?
At least "Cloud Computing" Web apps seem to offer similar risk-levels from time to time for no fee. Now I can run my whole business this way! (Not.)
In the final appraisal: I'd have to be a sleek, shiny-painted, metal-arsed flawless quad-core purple-black wall-insensitive robodroid myself (and running on Linux Kernel at that; nothing less mature and robust is so very likely to succeed imho) before I'd be ever able to *100%* reliably deny *all* others the "pleasure" of the plunder. But it's latish, and I do ramble a bit. Should be off now. Decent ale, eh?
Um, there's no phone in that coat of mine, Mate. It's in its' holster, like my keys in my pocket, which are likewise a well-tethered part of MY BODY. Now from the OTHER holster, I do insist that you slowly put that nice warm well-worn coat of mine straight back where you found it... You are already wearing what I presume is your own... Now be off and begone.
Hardware. Sometimes one can bluff it with a bit of gas pipe, a bar of soap, some shoe-polish and just enuf /chutzpah./ Just don't go out with it, then come back without it. (Arr-rrr-rr-r.)