NASA - bunch of Onanists!
No, seriously. The article that I read ( stated that NASA has NO anti-virus systems in place on the ISS - OR laptops used by crew.
"The laptops carried by astronauts reportedly do not have any anti-virus software on them to prevent infection. "
"Muppets who know it won't happen to them because they are too smart" springs to mind...
OK, fair enough, IF the onboard systems are completely isolated from the laptops the astronuts use - which NASA claim is the case - fair enough, there's justification for keeping those systems as 'clean' as possible.
Let's take the risky ('risky'? Yes. given the level of incompetence evident here, I think that's a fair assessment) assumption that that is the case.
That leaves NASA clearly in the position of having NO 'corporate' policy regarding virus/spyware/malware protection for portable computers used by their staff/visitors (God alone knows what the situation is throughout the rest of the 'organisation'!).
And that suggests a level of irresponsibility that is, especially in this case, beyond belief.
In my area own of professional responsibility I ensure that all systems are adequately protected, staff are made aware that they MUST use the recommended protection software (which I provide and if required will install and set up) on their own systems, both 'home' and 'private' laptops (it's a publishing company, anyone with experience of such outfits will be aware of why this is necessary...).
In addition, visitors are NOT allowed access to the network until their laptops have been checked for adequate protection.
Anyone failing to comply is held directly responsible in the event of problems arising as a result.
So, who the hell's in charge of NASA's IT security?
Ah, right, that would be the complete tosser who's already mumbled excuses about "USB drives"
"It is thought that the virus might have travelled via a flash or USB drive owned by an astronaut and taken into space."
Nice try asshole - but IF you were doing your job, IF NASA had something resembling a half competent IT security policy, it couldn't have happened...
Pop in an external device with infected files and the software you didn't even have installed would have prevented the issue, after all, it's not as if this was a brand new (August 2007 FFS!) previously unheard of worm...
No wonder this outfit has a record of incinerating Shuttle crews!
It's blindingly obvious that NASA's management is totally incompetent.
Unfair? Nope. Shit runs downhill. If you find an organisation that has a record of failure to perform, in my experience, the problem starts at the top.
And while I may not be qualified to comment on NASA's inability to keep Shuttle crews alive, I certainly am qualified to judge their inability to handle IT security!