@ Test Man
>>Actually if I was going to be a pedant, it is:
Err...yup, I do know this....I was just trying to show up the farce that is "outer and inner" London numbers, when what preceded it, was the overall "01" scheme....
And yes, I realise that during the 80's and 90's demand of London number rose, due to everyone having a dial up modem (remember them) and a fax machine.....and they needed more numbers to meet demand....
Like all these things, it's not rocket science to know that if demand skyrockets, just increasing by a factor of 2 isn't enough....(as in going from "01 abc defg" to "071 abc defg" and "081 abc defg" ).
And they still had th same number of numbers when they went to 0171/0181 and then changed again after that...!
Even with introducing 020 7 and 020 8, (as 0171 and 0181) they still have the roughly the same number of numbers....although demand may now be less, as dial up modem and fax are becoming less "required"... the only real improvement they got was being able to use the 0 and 1 as well.
(And yes, I know about 020 3 as well !!!! - no doubt they'll have the other numbers in use soon enough, given that most of the rest of the country now has a "1" after the leading zero )
Talk about nightmare....THANK YOU OFCOM.......(and your predecessors!)