I won't...
...rush out to buy one. WM6 on the Treo 750 is poor, it will be WM7 or WM8 (a complete re-write) before this OS is suitable for a phone. Where do you start with the problems with WM6:
1) poor memory management. Programs don't close they are just minimised so continue taking resources.
2) data connections get themselves in a right state that a reboot is normally required.
3) some programs have settings/options all over the place that its a nightmare to find them. Different WM6 devices have the same settings in different places.
4) the O/S seems to become unresponsive even when nothing else is going on
Shame Palm have gone down this route as PalmOS was quick, stable and usable. And I was looking forward to a new modern version (Cobalt?) when they took over BeOS, since Access now control the O/S the focus seems to be their Linux platform.