Bloody annoying ...
... I'm a Goldfish customer and was hit by this issue. It took me a while to work out what the problem was, and having gone through my recent transactions and compared them with the statement I finally worked it out. I looked at Goldfish's website and saw no mention of the problem. I could see my online statement which was correct, so I was sure it was just a problem with their paper statement. So I called Goldfish and was then told that they knew about it. I was - rightly I think - a little upset that they had therefore wasted my time and my money (on their 0870 phone line), but of course when I mentioned something about refunding the cost of the call their "customer service" rep told me I knew the cost of the call before I made it and the longer I talked the more I was costing myself! Unbelievable! I did suggest that they could have put a notice on, rather than taking several days to send me a letter and a new statement, which he said they would "consider". Since they've been bought by Barclaycard and aren't offering new cards, I doubt they could care less ...