back to article Goldfish customers sent wrong bills

A printing mix-up resulted in thousands of Goldfish credit card customers receiving other people's bills. Tony Jacob, 58, a Goldfish cardholder told UK tabloid The Sun that he was shocked to discover a statement for another credit card holder when he opened his monthly bill. "I was worried when I saw I was £10,000 in debt — …


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  1. dervheid

    It's a well known fact...

    that the Goldfish is a creature of extremely limited brain function, and piss-poor memory.

    Minor errors of this nature must be expected when conducting complicated financial arrangements with a Goldfish. You can't expect it to remember everything, can you.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    I'm sure that...

    ...this has got absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Goldfish recently served notice on the company that do their statement printing

  3. Gordon Pryra

    how many times have we heard this trite statement?

    "protection of customer data is extremely important to us and we are treating this very seriously"

    If you were taking this seriously at all, you owuld offer thsoe affected a one off payment of 10% of their bill as a refund.

    A letter to say sorry? that really makes things better........

  4. Anonymous Coward


    Oooo. Look there's a castle!



    +2 seconds



    Where did that castle come from?



    I must be a goldfish - can't remember Jasper Carrott sketches verbatim...

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Gordon Pryra

    If you were taking this seriously at all, you owuld lern to tpye proprly.

  6. Michael O'Malley

    Goldfish prejudice

    I think it is shocking that people are using this human error as an excuse to flaunt auropiscean prejudices.

    Recent studies show that goldfish have quite good memories. The forgetful humans who failed to print these statements correctly have demeaned the name of goldfish.

    I demand an apology.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Goldfish Snacks...

    First I thought this article was about Goldfish snacks:

    I think I'll go out and grab a bag.

    Here's something about goldfish for your peepers:

  8. Anonymous John

    What do you get if you cross an elephant with a goldfish?

    Swimming Trunks.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    we are expected to believe that the 'printers' have access to the billing database, and managed to mix up the billing information, hum

  10. ElFatbob


    i'd like to know what, if any, Data Privacy statutes were broken (optimistic i know - DP means fck all in this country now) and who's going to get it up the ronson for this...

    oh that's right, i forgot the 'This act means fck all' clause in the DPA.

  11. Anonymous Coward

    Bloody annoying ...

    ... I'm a Goldfish customer and was hit by this issue. It took me a while to work out what the problem was, and having gone through my recent transactions and compared them with the statement I finally worked it out. I looked at Goldfish's website and saw no mention of the problem. I could see my online statement which was correct, so I was sure it was just a problem with their paper statement. So I called Goldfish and was then told that they knew about it. I was - rightly I think - a little upset that they had therefore wasted my time and my money (on their 0870 phone line), but of course when I mentioned something about refunding the cost of the call their "customer service" rep told me I knew the cost of the call before I made it and the longer I talked the more I was costing myself! Unbelievable! I did suggest that they could have put a notice on, rather than taking several days to send me a letter and a new statement, which he said they would "consider". Since they've been bought by Barclaycard and aren't offering new cards, I doubt they could care less ...

  12. Andy Tunnah

    @Gordon - get a life!

    its people like you who are causing this society to end up like the litigious shithole that is now the USA

    why should anyone get 10% off their bill simply for having the wrong one sent to them ? did it cost em that much ? does it warrant that much personal damages ?

    meh really gets my back up these sort of statements

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