Geezer shows that his questions weren't honest ones.
Vendicar Decarian - Questions answered - most were childish..
"Child-like questions are the best ones" - Geezer
Only when they come from children. It gives adults the ability to train them.
When adults ask such questions, it simply shows their intellectual inferiority.
the biosphere and human culture has evolved for the previous temperature regime.Any variance from the norm is necessarily immediately suboptimal.
>We know that there have been several ice ages, where the earth has been cooler than it is now.
A couple of dozen in fact.
"The two answers above are odd - you seem to be saying that life has evolved to be able to withstand ice ages and interglacials in the past, but now we have suddenly stopped evolving?"
What makes you think that life evolved to withstand ice ages? How readily would human civilization to scraped off the map by 2 mile thick glaciers scouring over North America?
What I said was that the biosphere has evolved to be optimal for it's current state. I didn't say that it had evolved to be optimla for a glacial cycle.
And since it has evolved to be optimal for it's current state, then any change of state is necessarily suboptimal.
It really is quite simple to understand. I fail to see the origin of your confusion unless it is simply willful ignorance on your part.
"Or does 'suboptimal' mean no more than we must adapt again, as we have always done? If so, it doesn't mean much..."
Suboptimal means a reduction in the count, of individual organisms in any niche, and a reduction in the number of niche that are available to be occupied.
Within the next 90 years the earth will have warmed such that it will be warmer than it has been for the last million years.
"Ooh, what an assertion!" - Geezer.
Wrong. It's a scientific calculation.
"I presume you haven't read the latest debunking of the hockey stick? The MWP was much warmer. Don't you know that Wahl and Amman has been shot down?" - Geezer.
Which one? There are dozens of hockey sticks in the scientific climate change literature, all based on different data sets, and all supporting each other.
Are you referring to the hansen hockey stick that was reviewed and vindicated by peer reviewers at the the American Physical Union?
Why is there variance? The system is chaotic. and various natrual inputs perterb the system.These inputs have all been quantified, and Co2 turns out to be the driving factor in the current temperture excursion.
"Oooh again! Some inputs have been guessed at. Did you see the paper on desert sinks for CO2 a week ago? A totally new sink which is not understood at all yet. We really know very little about the climate system." - Geezer
And one that is completely irrevalant, since the observed rise in atmospheric CO2 has unequivaquiibly been shown to be a result of the emissions of man.
Unless of course you are going to claim that a CO2 sink is a source of CO2.
"What has happened is that CO2 has been ASSUMED to be totally responsible for the current (minor) warming fluctuation" - Geezer
No, It is Computed that CO2 is the cause of the recent warming. And this computation was performed first, well over 100 years ago.
There are no assumptions required. Only the emission/absorption spectra of CO2, and H20 and the equations discribing the change in water vapour concentration with temperature.
"some computer models have been created which model that assumption, and these have then been manipulated to match the recent historic data which shows temperatures rising. - Geezer.
You are delusional.
If the models - which are the life work of hundreds of researchers, are being manipulated then this would involve a conspiracy amount thousands of unrelated scientists from all over the world. And would require that tens of thousands of others remain silent about the falsification.
Sorry. That little KKKonspiracy is a figmant of your delusional mind.
" Unsurprisingly, if you continue that trend, you will see amazing temperatures. However, this trend has reversed in the last few years!"
Quite impossible since climate trends are not defined over such a short period of time.
Climate trends are defined over the time frame of decades, and for you to claim that climate change has reversed over a period of a few years, shows that you are completely ignorant of what climate is, how it is defined, and what the term means.
Further, there has been no change in the trend. Global temperatures continue to rise.
The universe doesn't care how much you lie about it. Your delusions do not change the measured facts.
"There is NO proof which shows definitively that human CO2 is responsible for any measured change." - Geezer
There is no scientific proof that you aren't a banana.
Science doesn't deal in proof, and never has.
Demands that science provide proof are the demands of someone who is scientifically illiterate.
Generally this is not a result of altertions in the depth of the ocean byt alterations in the height of the ground.Historical norms are not important if all major U.S. coastal cities are under water as a result of CO2 emissions.
"Ground height variation (and erosion) are all happening much faster than absolute sea level change."
Erosion isn't a significant factor in ground level change. Unless you are referring to the build op of silt at river delta's.
Ground level changes occurr primarily as a result of tectonic faulting, or the upwelling of magma from deeper in the earth's mantle.
"Why do you blame CO2 emissions?" - Geezer.
Becuase scientifically it's impossible not to.
> If the sea level rose 20 ft over the next 200 years, would 1 billion people drown, > or would they slowly move (to prevent said drowning)?
If 1 billion refugees moved to America to escape the loss of their homes due to global warming, would the U.S. be willing to accept them?
"Well, these figures are complete guesses, based on no reality." - Geezer
Most people on this planet live in coastal cities. And by the tiime 2100 comes around there will be 9 billion people on this planet. If only 20% of them need to be resettled due to the flooding of coastal cities, then that is 2 billion people.
Are you willing to accept them?
"No country has yet had to consider relocating people because of Global Warming," - Geezer.
Your question regarded a rise of sea level by 20 meters. And you asked about the repercussions of such a rise.
Now when one facet of those reprocussions are provided to you, you now claim that your own assumption - a 20 foot rise - was unrealistic.
I can only conclude that your question was therefore a dishonest one.
"though a lot of rubbish is talked about it by politicians who are hoping to get money." - Geezer
Money grubbres like yourself are always worried about other people stealing their money. If it's not whining about warming, it's whining about the scientific link between cancer and tobacco, or the link between CFC production and Stratospheric Ozone depletion, or the link between the emission of sulfuric acid by smoke stacks and the falling of sulfuric acid from rain clouds.
The world has come to ignore the whining of money grubbers like yourself, as we know that your motivation is not only anti-scocial, but explicitly immoral in the extreme.
But you have made your motivation clear. You are a coward who fears that he will be forced to pay for the part he plays in the destruction of the Biosphere.
Awwwww. Tooo bad...
"However, if we just accept this figure at face value, 1 billion refugees over 200 years is 5m per year."
Where did you get the 200 year figure? It's different than your previous assumption.
Aren't you going to make an honest attempt even to stick within the constraints of your own question?
"The US currently accepts between 1m and 2m per year legal permanent migrants. So, assuming the migrants were spread over the world, I would guess that no one would notice the slight increase." - Geezer
An increase of 150% is a Slight increase?
And if we use your original time frame it's 300%?
And if we are realistic, it's closer to 600%.
Honesty doesn't appear to be your strong point Geezer.
"But it's not going to happen." - Geezer.
I See, so you wouldn't accept the refugees that you create.
And the conditions in the question you asked will never happen
If so, then why did you aske the question? Child.
"Degree-level icon, because NO ONE should just be asking someone else for interpretations of data at this stage of the game." - Geezer
Mindless, Incoherent drivel.