Zero-day vulnerability?
If it's been open for two years, doesn't that make it a minus 730 day vulnerability?
Mine's the one with the calendar in the pocket.
Popular BitTorrent client µTorrent has quietly patched a vulnerability that created a means for hackers to load malware onto the PCs of file-sharers simply by persuading them to open a poisoned Torrent. The Hollywood-dream bug stemmed from a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability and offered far more potential for mischief …
Anyone that got any malware via µTorrent while downloading illegal, pirated content deserves everything they got. Lie down with the dogs and you can expect to wake up with fleas!
I love the idea of the bandwidth hogging freetards getting nailed by malware.
Now if only someone would write a program that automatically shuts down the freetard's net connection for at least 8 hours starting at 7pm, using the freetard's own local time zone so that all their neighbours can actually have a decent amount of bandwidth in order to use the internet legally.
Your comment is supremely fallacious. You've made the following two incorrect assumptions, among others:
1) The only things down/uploaded through torrents are unauthorised copies of copyrighted works.
Wrong - torrents are a primary distribution source for large files of all natures - latest Linux ISOs, freely-available video and audio content, open-source binaries.
There are also a few companies using torrents to distribute their copyrighted works, with users purchasing the licence and activating it separately.
2) Torrents are the only high-bandwidth consumers.
How about the BBC iPlayer? YouTube?
There's quite a few very high-bandwidth consumers out there.
Peer-to-peer transfer makes economic sense for many large-sized transfers, as it saves huge amounts on hosting costs.
BT do that anyway, it's in their T&Cs, they're happy for their customers to torrent, but at busy times they will throttle their speed back. Anyone torrenting does so over a 24 hour period so it doesn't much matter if the speed is throttled back during the evening, utorrent actually has a setting for the user to do this too. So, whilst downloading the latest Oblivion user created uber mod (torrents have a huge game modders section as well as all the illegal stuff), I'm quite happy for it to trickle down in the evening.
If you're having slow speeds in the evening when you're 'legally' using the internet, maybe you should take that up with your ISP.
Consider yourselves Trolled
Oh yeah I am truely told, no, no honestly, really I am! Oh boo hoo poor me whatever will I do?
I mean it's not like I just waved a great big red flag to see what sort cretinous reactions would be forthcoming from the, "hey torrents are not all bad and anyway I only use it for getting a linux distro", types or anything now was it?
Good to know we still have some of you reading the Reg maybe one day you might learn when someone is pushing your buttons. But I doubt it.