@Gilbert Wham
Gilbert you beat me to it - Almost exactly the post I was going to make (admittedly with a bit less gloating).
ID Cards and 42 days without trial are very much Tory-style policies. They only oppose them because they are in opposition, so what else are they going to do? Obviously when they come to power they will find reasons they cannot undo them and blame it all on the previous government.
I'm really depressed by people that think everything will change if the Conservatives come to power. I can only assume that these people are either too young or too senile to remember what a conservative government is really like. Let me spell it out for you - exactly the same as the one we have now. New labour beat the tories by becoming the tories. In doing so they have destroyed the balance in British politics.
I am not a socialist, or for that matter a conservative or a liberal - I believe that party politics is at best a flawed but workable system. However it only really works if you have balance. You need a left wing party that gets a decent share of the vote to balance out the right and vice-versa. As long as there is political balance of this type and no one party has an overwhelming majority in the house, the system works.
However New Labour screwed it all up by switching sides.
We now have two right wing parties and nothing on the left to balance them out (as frankly you can't count the lib dems as any kind of serious counterweight).
They have stuck us in exactly the same situation as the US where voters only have two right wing parties to choose from - Oh the republicans portray the democrats as hippy lefties or liberals, but they are very nearly as right wing as our conservative party - It's just that the republicans are much more right wing than that!
So basically we are in a similar situation to the US and new labour and the conservatives will just switch around every so often - Each side will stay in power until they make a complete balls of it, then will get voted out, the others will come in, do all the same stuff until the next huge cock-up then it's time to switch again and so on. It's all so bloody depressing.