It doesn't quite do it now...
YEah, I run VS on two screens; I generally have the code on screen one and the web site on screen two.
But VS is a single-window app; I can't have one of its windows on one monitor and one on another, and hit maximise on either without filling both screens. IIRC one of the bigger apps (Corel? Aldus Pagemaker?) tried a "totally independent window for each control" approach a few years back, but it was too cumbersome.
Oh, and the Hercules setup - ah, happy days! <oldSchool>When I wrote a DOS-based graphical CBL authoring system in the late 80's/early 90's using MS C6, I used to have a three monitor system: EGA for the output, Hercules for debugging and video for the LaserDisc</oldSchool>
And you try to tell the young code monkeys of today that, and they won't believe you...