Who wants..
..To talk to this deadbeat anyway?
Well, other than to tell him to go - now.
Ten Downing Street has a new website, or rather blog. And it's hip. Based on open source WordPress code, the site ticks off every Web 2.0 word-bingo box - even claiming to be in Beta. It's got everything the kids want: A Flickr page, a YouTube channel, podcasts and even a Twitter section - "it's 10 Downing Street here! I'm at …
Nice to see our gov pays as much attention to website development as they do national development.
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Why do I get the impression this site has been built by a work experience kid they currently have in. Or better yet, a younger family member of an MP, who got given a nice cash sum make the site, which was then done in around oooooh 30 minutes?
What I love about it the most is the fact its in Beta. I take it this means that any outages in day to day governance of the UK are classed as acceptable due to the beta status?
This article would be improved 100% by an actual link to the website you're talking about.
It's number10.gov.uk, for those wondering.
I wonder... can we take the prominent logos for Flickr, YouTube and Twitter as proof that Number 10 officially endorse these sites, over their competitors?
I just hope that the Queen's official site will be relaunched in a similar style, so Twitter can have one of those 'by appointment to her majesty' stamps.
Seeing is Believing, John Oates, and for once I am temporarily lost for Words :-)... Knocked down with a Feather's Touch, akin to a Welsh KISS.
Beam me Up, Scotty. [And Prudence forbids any Thoughts of Mission Accomplished whenever the Journey and ITs Trips may have only just Begun ...... ]
It said something like we don't give a monkeys that you can't fly your kite on unused farm land for more then 28 days without the farmer loosing his subsidies, what do you think this is a way of correcting stupid decisions or something?
So I guess it's back to ignoring lectures on how sports fields are only made for people to walk their dogs for me then.
Its a classic tactic if you think your next up for the P45 and security some security guard assisted desk emptying.
Scan the job adds to get an idea of the job market, contact your old buddies and start networking.
It looks like its already paying dividends for the jammy bastard -- he's picked up a good contact for a work experience placement fixing ambulances, plus, a lead on how he can console himself with some self-medication.
Hint to Mr. Broon, in the few months you have left in charge you could off-shore the whole gov.uk thingy to Bangalore, simple rebranding to "gov.uk.in" and a few hundred thousand redundencies would do the trick.
If this is wordpress - and it certainly appears to be... where are the wordpress copywrite/credit notes - generally at the bottom of the page. Are they allowed to remove them? I'm not sure what the GPL says on the subject, but I thought that copywrite notes were supposed to be left there?
At the very least wordpress should be credited somewhere shouldn't it?
It isn't a bad website, in fact it's quite nice, yes a few problems with that link but that isn't a big issue.
It's accessible, usable, functional what more could you want.
I don’t understand the people who comment just to 'have said something'
I give it a big thumbs up as at least they are trying.
I like how they've left in this comment:
<!-- leave this for stats please -->
but then remove what it actually refers to (the generator tag, normally populated with the wordpress version eg.:
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.2" />
Epic fail in the making.
And what is he doing advertising other companies with government money.
Oh and they couldn't even get number10.com from a search link domain squatter :)
It doesn't even render properly - that is a pile of pants - kinda representative of what he has done to this country.
Ohhh, may have found the author or a person they 'had' some code from.
beware he has troll spray :)
no text only link
no text size widget
images without alt tags
tsk tsk tsk. Looks like an MP's kid did it as a summer project.
I suppose it will become properly accessible when there is a ramp up the steps at number 10.
And those others saying we didn't vote for Gordon Brown
This is Britain, we do things differently to America, learn about how your country works, we don't vote for Prime Ministers, and I am damn glad we don't, look and the crapfest which is the US presidential race.
As to the site, well, it could do with being done by a professional web designer.
Apart from that, it's OK, for a blog with a default template.
You are right, we don't vote for a Prime Minister, we vote for a Party.
BUT, the image/persona of the person who will eventually become PM plays a great part in which party you vote for.
Policies change (daily?) but an MP's spots won't !
So whilst you may like to think this country votes for a political party, I'll guarantee that the majority actually vote for a person. There are statistics that prove this !
p.s. Web-site isn't that bad if taken at face value.