back to article Council IT provider's staff exposed back-room operations

Oldham council’s “preferred service provider” gave the whole community an eyeful when two members of staff serviced one another, unaware they were being watched by a crowd of 20 people. Two staff at the offices of the Unity Partnership in Oldham let themselves get carried away on Friday morning, the Oldham Chronicle reports. …


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  1. Richard

    Beats filling in forms

    I can think of worse things to do with a Friday morning.

  2. Samantha Clinton

    Can I be the first

    to say it was definitely not JonB and my good self...whiltst I do work in local government, it's miles away from Oldham...

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    So were they just late celebrating...

    ... national bike week - or does el Reg have inside knowledge that she isn't?

    Paris, because...

  4. Stephen Stagg


    "transforming customer services" - you're telling me!

  5. Anonymous Coward

    But it is Oldham...

    .. there can't be much else to do around there.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    I wonder...

    ... how long it will take for the clip to appear on the internet with the title "One night in Oldham".

    Paris..because is knows all about one nights.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Makes a change

    At least they weren't shagging the council tax payers, as they would have been otherwise.

  8. dervheid

    Aw, c'mon...

    they were just 'teambuilding'!

    Sot of.

  9. Dogbyte

    As the old joke has it...

    Is this the right way to Oldham?

    The dirty mac, please.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    good thing

    these two deviants shall go on the sex offender register like all the other filth on it, only slight better then filthy bicycle molesters.

  11. Anonymous Coward

    Re: Jokes of pensionable age

    Mrs Smith: "Doctor doctor, there's something wrong with my breasts."

    Doctor: "Alright Mrs Smith, take off your bra please, I'll need to weigh them."

    Mrs Smith takes off her bra.

    Doctor: "Waaaaaaaaay!"

    (With appropriate hand motions)

  12. Simon Hewitt

    One again...

    Your reporting is let down by lack of photographs

  13. Rich Turner

    The daredevil exhibitionists were apparently oblivious to a swelling crowd below

    Swelling crowd.

    Harrrrrrharrrrrharrrrrrrr! :)

  14. Michael

    where is...

    Where is Google's street car when you need it?

  15. Gordon

    Nick 'em

    Add 'em to list 99!!!!

  16. Anonymous Coward


    Are Hobby Bobbies (or any other bobbies) allowed to break into a private building, if there is no crime being commited,

    Or is this classed as a Public Disturbance.

    Or should the 20+ gawpers be done for Peeping toms?

    Any Legal Eagles around and where are the PlayMobiles?

  17. Tim

    PlayMobile or it didn't happen!

    Why is this wrong? Its only natural! All offices should be fitted with private communal rooms or someone should admit that officework is systematic and pointless mental torture.

  18. Secretgeek

    Just turn it on again.

    Yep, that's me done.

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