windfall tax
This article is spot on : the idea of a windfall tax is stupid, and it is time the airhead politicians stopped trying to fool people that it is for the greater good.
It is not in oil (energy) companies interests for fuel prices to be too high. This encourages alternatives, be they don't use oil - don't use car so much, etc. look at alternatives - public transport, cycling, walking, electric car, etc.
The above said, we must consider the future.
Now I don't profess to be a greenie, and I am sceptical about 'global warming', but taking a common sense attitude to things you can arrive at the following conclusion : if you keep shitting on your own doorstep sooner or later it's going to stink, and you'll run out of toilet paper. The sun might dry the odd turd so that the rain washes it away, but sooner of later the doorstep is not going to be a nice place to be ! The Earth is much the same; it can only take so much load.
Earth (the planet) provides us with a rich environment in which we can live for free. How much does it cost to provide a life sustaining environment in space ? These environments are not rich. I certainly wouldn't want to live there ! We get so much more, and for FREE.
What I am trying to say is that we should strive to take care of (and appreciate) what we've got. This means that we shouldn't waste what nature gives us. We need to preserve the richness of the environment.
The other thing to consider is that Mother Nature can wipe us off the face of the planet we are **VERY** fortunate to live on in a blink of an eye.
Our reliance on fossil fuels is part of the present, with no attractive alternatives. Renewables will help, but ask yourself how much wind there is on a freezing cold winter night when you need lights and the power to run the central heating ? Not much, so we have to have fossil fuel parrallels to cover these situations. Don't even talk about nuclear with radioactive half-lives of thousands of years.
So how can we help ourselves ? The only answer is cut down on our natural resource usage. To the yanks and canadians who whine about fuel prices : we've paid more in the UK than the price you whinge about for fuel for a decade, and our economy still works ! I love a V8, but you really can downsize and help yourselves with this problem. Incidentally it will make what is left last longer, and help us all. We need to repair broken items instead of throwing them away. It is cheap goods from China that has lead us to this mentality via economics. So now the west has better air quality and we rant at China about emissions, except that we create the demand for the same. How hypocritical is that ?
The UK government wants biofuels to be included in road fuels. Is it ethical that to achieve this target biofuel crops are grown in place of food crops ? Consider that there are people starving. Using crops for fuel, given starving people does not seem right to me. Maybe I don't have enough understanding here ?
The bottom line is that the government can do its revenue gaining exercise, under the guise of green credentials.
However, what really needs to happen is that we all look at how to preserve our environment, be that rejection of planning permission for a new housing estate, buying a smaller more efficient car, etc. We can only keep crapping on our doorstep for so long. ***WE*** have to change now, and it is down to us to be willing to change. If we don't, we **WILL** face Mother Natures wrath, and it won't be pretty - probably an extinction level event with us as the cast.
my 80p/L tax on this matter ! Thanks for reading !