"Yes, I'll have a pack of paracetamol and a Jumbo Mr PleaseMe, thanks."
Doesn't Sweden of all places have an Ann Summer's equivalent?
Outraged Swedish men are up in arms over the state run pharmacy Apoteket’s policy of stocking only female-oriented sex toys. Perhaps surprisingly, Swedish pharmacies have only been permitted to stock toys since June. However, what seemed like liberation has been revealed as a dastardly plot to promote female (self) pleasure …
I wonder how they have managed to miss out on the vast array of male stimulation toys available online... I seem to be bombarded with adds regarding these things even when I'm not surfing anywhere remotely interesting (well, not for most people anyway.. there are only so many people that appreciate the finer details of 80's adventure gaming history.. the fierce rivalry and opposing camps of Lucasarts fanboys and Sierra zealots.. :P).......... I for one welcome the arrival of our silicon based male pleasuring overlords (or should that be overladies/overdroids?)
Oh, and Sluta Roka does of course mean Stop Smoking. Those Swedes eh?
"Doesn't Sweden of all places have an Ann Summer's equivalent?"
Not Ann Summers - for some reason, the place to get a well crafted "kitorisvibrator" is in the swedish highstreet equivalent of Maplins: http://www.teknikmagasinet.se/nydb/db.pl?kategori_id=006010008&offset=0&limit=50&template_file=db_list.html
Well I guess it IS electrical after all....
My swedish is a little rusty, but unlike Apoteket, it looks like they're well equipped with male pleasuring tools - such as the "Monkey Spank Vibro"
what the fark is wrong with swedish men?!
if they are more concerned with plastic vag's and not the real thing, move the F*CK over, i'm coming to sweden to help out the poor loveless swedish girls?!
stockholm here i come!
p.s. stuff and nonsense :http://www.eupeople.net/forum
Of course there is nothing at all to stop these men using the vibrators, one just needs a little imagination, a bottle of lubrication, some birthing stirrups, and a subscription to brentcorriganinc.com ...
Leave the rest to the imagination, but I can't see any bias at all...
A 'sluta röka program' is nothing more exciting than a 'stop smoking' programme, sadly. As amusing as the word 'slut' is, it just means 'stop'.
I just spent the weekend in Sweden and unfortunately didn't visit any pharmacies, but if I had I'd surely have been incensed at the lack of choice for, err, me!
The Danes might still supply male vibrators on their health service - I was sitting with a bunch of mouth open, dumb struck Brits when the device was comprehensively demonstrated on the Danish version of the national 6 o'clock TV news a few years back - complete with a testimonial from a lady who'd been impregnated after it's successful use :-)
"Apparently the state discrimination organisation has declared there is no discrimination, because Apoteket will sell its products to both men and women."
Looool!!! At least they have a sense of humour!
Ishkandar << A lady friend of mine has just returned from Denmark after spending some 9 months there and she pretty much agrees with you, sad.
This time, I wish we had an icon featuring Paris in devil costume. There wasn't one, so I used the closest I could find.
While men can use a dildo, no doubt about that, there are a few issues -
Firstly men would require a different range of sizes than women, for obvious reasons.
Secondly a dildo used by a man is not "equivalent" to say a Fleshlight, which frankly is pretty high quality. A dildo for a woman is used for genital stimulation, for men it's obviously a matter of taste (and despite popular opinion has nothing to do with sexual orientation).
So obviously they didn't care enough to do even the most cursory investigation of such products, I mean the fleshlight has a wikipedia entry for goodness sake - the fact that it warranted an entry implies its significance.
Look at how many celebrity women have admitted to using a vibrator or other toys, then look at how many celebrity men have done likewise - see the incongruity? It's culturally a lot more acceptable for women to use toys than men, no matter what country you're in just about.
> Secondly a dildo used by a man is not "equivalent" to say a Fleshlight, which frankly is pretty high quality. A dildo for a woman is used for genital stimulation, for men it's obviously a matter of taste (and despite popular opinion has nothing to do with sexual orientation).
What flavour do dildos come in?
The truth remains though, a man using a dildo anally is not comparable to a woman using it vaginally. It is instead comparable to a woman using a dildo anally. Thus they sell toys for the stimulation of female genitals but not for the stimulation of male genitals.
Seems pretty clear cut to me. Oh and before anyone starts up, yes I have tried them anally and quite enjoy it... but it isn't as widespread for either gender and it isn't for everyone. It also is a completely different experience from traditional genital stimulation, which frankly I believe should be available to everyone irrespective of what else they enjoy.