So, no more dissertation plagiarism then!
So, is HMG covered by this proposal ?
There is a small matter of using "the work of a research student without his permission" see detail from link below. Does this kind of thing count as copyright infringement?
"The dossier had been largely plagiarised by the government’s Coalition Information Centre (CIC) from three articles by Ibrahim al-Marashi, a research associate at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies of the Monterey Institute of International Studies ...
The government had committed several blunders here. The schoolboy-style plagiarism cast a veil of dishonesty over all the material issued in ‘dossier’ form. The co-option of the work of the research student without his permission was not only unethical but also potentially exposed members of his family, who still lived in Iraq, to real risk."
So, £50k fine and ten years inside for the perpetrators of this flawed "research" [sorry, blunder!]