Rubbish aerial
I'm now on my 2nd Tocco (heading for my 3rd), and I've seen several other people in forums who've been through 3 or 4. The phone itself is nice enough, and handles most things fine - with the small exception of phone calls. About 40% of my calls drop out within 15 seconds for no apparent reason. This was a problem that was known in the first version of the firmware but was allegedly fixed in the second. Since both my phones have been v2, I'm guessing it's either not fixed properly or Vodafone's custom firmware broke it again. This problem with signal (the strength bars can wander between 1 and 5 while standing in one place) also extends to 3G - 95% of the time the phone will choose GPRS, but if you force it to use 3G it finds a 4 bar signal).
In short, nice phone, very usable but not that reliable as a phone. Pity really...