You have to laugh
...or you'd cry. The CBI want somebody, anybody but them to pay training costs for everything. At the same time they move every tech job in the country to low wages, or out of the country for lower wages. I've even read comment in a national broadsheet someone professing to be a CBI member describe employees as parasites. When it gets right down to it, we already have legislation allowing employers to recover training costs from departing employees.
It really is about time some of these jokers realised that while they may or may not have the odd good idea themselves, the means of production are those "parasites". You gain from an employees training, you need to be contributing. I'm not talking about training where there is no business case....
According to the jobcentre-plus website their are currently exactly zero IT positions in Birmingham. Don't count on a career in IT kids, despite all those nice training ads on tv. Science is great, right up until you try to get an employer to pay for some.
Oh by the way CBI muppets, when you outsource production to China and a couple of weeks before your products ship you find out that the production facility has nicked your design, that's about what you deserve.