Why am I not surprised that nothing is done? (@ AC)
This is a good example of why so much money is wasted, by both big business and government, on 'blue sky' IT/Comms projects.
Yes, the technology exists
Yes, it CAN do certain things
However, confronted with human incompetence/greed/stupidity, it doesn't actually work very well (if at all) in the real world...
In the case above it seems that sheer inertia/incompetence defeated the technology.
In other cases it's down to some company, or consultant, selling the gullible on an 'absolutely secure, foolproof, state of the art, bleeding edge, yadda - yadda - yadda...' idea that will solve every imaginable problem. But it fails miserably. And predictably.
Whatever, it's getting IT a very poor rep. Something which reflects poorly on all of us in the field, one way or another.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could cut the sales and consultancy parasites out of the loop and the prospective users were able to talk directly to the engineers responsible for these schemes?
"So, it'll find my stolen/lost laptop"?
"Yes. However, you should be aware that recovering the item may well be far more difficult to ensure."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, what's your opinion of the competence of the Police's ability to do much besides fill in forms and issue fixed penalty tickets?"
End of conversation...
Paris - 'cos she knows a useless lying prick when she sees one... unlike most people who are responsible for buying stuff.