Uh Oh
Does this mean Motorolas 'Uber Chav-Phone' title may be in danger ? Nah, 90% of chavs couldnt afford the J-Phone contract, expect a Rhinestone version of these cases for Razr's to be on your local street market soon.
If you’ve got £600 spare to splash in Apple’s Application Store, then you can definitely spare another £7900 for a stylish iPhone 3G case. iphone_diamond_case Yours for just £7900 The Apple iPhone Diamond leather case is adorned with 272 diamonds, with a total mass of 6.8 carats. The stones are arranged in a crescent moon …
Is it just me or if you're in need of a case for your phone because you keep scratching it, you're just going to be scratching the case instead, which means you'll be loosing diamonds left right and centre?
Presumably the company that offers this i-phone case can also supply you with an i-phone case case.