@Tom Maddox
Mutters, "Give me strength!" to himself.
Right.. (long intake breath).
Linux (et al), being an open source operating system, is ..well open.
This means the problem with the Linux server on which that DNS service is running (and you can bet your bottom euro it will be on one) will have the fix well scrutinised, be solid and updated frequently with improvements.
And this will probably be issued and in place hours or (even minutes) after vulnerability is detected.
You probably had some hacker in the corner of the room sitting crosslegged with a laptop on his legs coding up the patch as the guy was speaking.
He probably posted it to the BIND bugzilla site before the "...thanks for coming." speech.
Also, with *nix advanced and mature script facilities (lacking in Windows, and they know it) the massive brained *nix sysops will probably have their own temporary perl (or whatever) script fixes in place before the RedHat network (or whatever) even announce the download is ready.
I'm being general (or whetever) here, of course.
I (thankfully) don't have to wait for the behemoth profiteering giant to stall enough for it's "partners" to reap in a bit of cash in order keep up the MVP payments.
Did you spot the cynicism there?
It's a trust thing.
I don't trust business types to do the right thing if it conflicts with profit margins.
(Inhale again)
Now I'm off the make sure my house insurance payments are up to date for when the fire-storm starts.
...thanks for coming.